Monday, July 14, 2008

Gotta go Watch Weeds 3
I got Weeds 3 and Dantes Cove 3 today (ordered from Amazon)--- We got Weeds as its one of our fave shows and we already have the other 2 seasons......Added to the collection....Dantes Cove is just to get pleasure of watching naked boys in a horror type genre which is always a good time....and then I qualified for free ship. I did however like usual arrive so fast! I ordered it on Thursday and got it today Monday.......they advised that it would be next week with free shipping but it seems it always comes in 3-4 days which is nice... Seattle must be close to where they send out from-- I think its Las Vegas. Anywho the husband is having a total fit as he wants to watch Weeds RIGHT NOW--and is complaining that all I do is a go on the lap top ever night.......whatever......I think he is trying to get on my shit list....he can be such a fucker! Oh well ......I better be a good hubby and turn off the pc....night night to you....


  1. Did I ever mention that I had a chance to meet one of those characters....but for thelife of me, i can't remember which one. At that point, I'd never heard of the show/......and still haven't seen it.

  2. I've completely and totally lied to you. I did NOT meet someone from Weeds. Rather, it was Derek Richardson from Men In Trees. Now, the record is straight.

  3. That sounds familiar. I hear the same complaint from Spouse about spending too much time online. "But I'm only reading blogs" I tell him.

    Mark :-)
