Monday, August 18, 2008

Here Come the Brides....
Ellen and Portia

Portia de Rossi, 35, and Ellen Degeneres, 50 tied the knot on Saturday. Big time congrats to the bride and bridette.....It was a small private ceremony. Gals, your toaster oven is on its way from us and should be arriving soon! Its pink stainlees steel, hope it matches you kitchen!


  1. I can't believe she's 50! Older than me? She looks so good....they both do!

  2. Ellen seems like such a nice gal. I hope this works out for her. I still loathe Anne Heche. She came across to me as a great manipulator both then and now.
    You go girls!

  3. Wow, they must have tried hard to keep it a secret, as I had not heard about it before reading it here. Congrats to them!

    Mark :-)
