Monday, August 18, 2008

Micheal Phelps and Madonna
My King and Queen of the Week!

King Michael Phelps for being a 14 time Olympic medalist and showing us and the word that a nice guy can kick some ass and come in first too!
Queen Madonna. Who celebrated her 50th Bday this last Saturday! I love you Madge! You HAVE ALWAYS ROCKED MY WORLD! Thanks for showing us that a girl with a bad reputation and criticized for having a voice like a chip muck back in the day can also finish on top and now look down upon the world from you throne....who knew? I/We did...... I cant wait to see in you in October in Vancouver!!!!! Best Wishes my Queen....


  1. Can you imagine how much money MP could make modeling if he were just a bit more handsome? But he's okay with me.

  2. All hail the King & Queen!

    Mark :-)

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    MP is a handsome enough guy, he just always looks like he needs to take a dump. DO IT already and get over it!
