Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mrs Fields
That's the way the cookie crumbles.

Sad news about Debbie Fields filling for bankruptcy as one of my first jobs out of high school was with the Mrs Fields Cookie empire....I was a assistant manager at 2 store locations, first the University District location on the AVE. (University Of Washington-Lots of cute collegiate boys!) and then the store on Broadway (which was the gay strip in Seattle in the Capitol Hill neighborhood back in the day- LOTS of GAY BOYS)....needless to say those were indeed good times!......Later, I became the store manager of the Pike street store in downtown Seattle for awhile. All locations have been long gone for many years now but there was a few locations left in the malls and I will sometimes grab a quick fix when go to the mall. This was all way back in the hey day of the Mrs Fields cookie mania in the late 80's and boy I was a young guy. It doesn't really seem so long ago now when I think about it but its hard to believe it was over 20 years ago-- gosh time flies! These were the days were I could eat a zillion cookies and still not increase my slender 29 inch waist....no way jose these days.....I remember those whole macadamia nuts we would get in 50lbs cases......we would eat a few handfuls of them! Oh no! Do you think we are a partial blame for scarfing down so many mac nuts back then? OOPSIE! Sorry Debbie.....


  1. Studies show that malls are less popular now that shopping centers, and since Mrs. Fields Cookies were always in malls, that likely has to do with the downturn in the business.

    Mark :-)

  2. I remember her show on PBS and her making the talk show circuits about women in business. Too bad. At least you have fond memories.
