Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New York Goes to Hollywood
Going Zen On Episode 3
Yes.... this is a guilty pleasure of mines....New York "Tiffany Pollard" has a new show-her 3rd season and this time its New York Goes to Hollywood....Now I know there are many haters of Tiffany but I dont care as I get a big kick out of watching her and I just cant help but watch her shows as she cracks my shit up! I love her.....Last night I happen to catch the 3rd episode where New York does a spec commercial for a Japanese energy drink. I was laughing so hard....Tiffany and the Japanese director had me in total hysterics! Check it out if you get a chance-- A few clips can be found here....

1 comment:

  1. This is a guilty pleasure of mine too, and I loved this episode!

    I felt sorry for the Japanese guy that got strangled though...but I laughed my butt off just the same!
