Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My New Summer Boot
Isn't it Super Fashionable?

Went in for a X ray at the community doctor yesterday afternoon.....Or as I would like to call it the Mexican Fiesta Clinic--50 screaming kids and 20 pregnant women and my hubby and I waiting in the lobby. The kids were all so darling at least when they were not screaming there heads off! And the girls/women that were preggers are all so beautiful. Everyone except Doctor John spoke very little English at the clinic, even the front desk personal was a challenge as of course they all thought I was Spanish as well. The hubby was stared at as some sort of superhero with his Blondie hair by all the was funny! Dr John was the only other white boy in the place and he sorta looked like Harry Potter---I am so serious! Well Harry Potter had me take some x rays, which was this x ray machine and room that looked like it was straight from the 60's! The tech Pedro was real nice..and kinda reminded me of my dad if he was Spanish dude......Anyhow I am ok.......Nothing broken just very heavily bruised and maybe a slight fracture--thus the major swelling. They had some concerns about my upper leg as there is 2 lines going up my legs that look kinda strange but it may be part of my bones? So they are sending it over to a radiologist/specialist to take a quick peek at just in case and will let me know if they have any concerns.... So I have this drop dead fashionable boot to wear for AT LEAST a week.....I hate it!


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

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  2. I'm glad you got the xray, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully that fashion boot won't clash too badly with this week's ensembles!

    Mark :-)

  3. hey, that clinic sounds like some kind of wonderful. glad it's not broken. now, where is my leaf blower.....hum.....

  4. Oh hell. Now you will be sick from being around all those precious children. I always do.
    I had to wear one of those a few years ago when I tripped coming out of a blood mobile. See I try and do a good thing and give blood and what do I get? It's amazing you can walk with a fracture but I had no problems wearing mine. Good luck to you and get well!
