Thursday, August 07, 2008

This, That, and a few HOT Guys

Goodbye Playgirl.....After 35 years I guess the print version is going bye bye and they are going to online only.

Am I the only one that is currently loving Tori and Dean? I watched a marathon of the show the other day of both seasons and I love it! I also think Dean is such a nice fella....I have a little crush on him....I like these 2 alot - they are cute and make me laugh so I am so digging on them...I am so a Tori fan now!!!!

Here comes TOP MODEL season 11.....Whats up with the love child theme? Am I ready to see the "Jays" all hippy dippy flower boy/girls getups?.....not really...

Pure hotness Ryan Phillipe is working out and we are lucky enough to get some shots of this all over the net this week. I watched Studio 54 again over the weekend- I love this movie and you all know how much I love me some Ryan.......More here

Got our OUT mag the other day-- I think Doggie is rather hot in his leather pants..Its a fat issue- havent been able to go through it all yet....Neil is looking good in his photo spread!

Speaking of HOT...Looky at Chance at the Nick Teen Choice Awards the other nite....I am so diggin on the chest hair with that pretty face... I think he is so dreamy in this pic...

1 comment:

  1. We don't get the Oxygen network so I've not seen Tori & Dean.

    I loves me some Neil Patrick Harris!

    Hey, my Crush du Jour (Chase Crawford) is one of the guys you featured today! What a coincidence!!!

    Mark :-)
