Monday, October 13, 2008

Haunted Houses, Pumpkin Patches, Turkeys, Candy Apples
It Must Be Fall...

So another busy weekend so again I am a bit worn out today. But first off I had a wireLESS weekend from Friday afternoon to this morning. I had the cell phone off and the PC.... it was strange but nice too! I think I need to do this more often....though today I feel like I need to catch up with the world.

Friday we went to Fright Fest and had a great time but got home at 1am! Way late for a old bird like me these days as I am usually in bed at 9 on weeknights and 11 on weekends--I know lame....We went with the hubbys aunts and a few friends of theirs and the nephew and we would of got home earlier than 1am but they all kinda walk like slugs as they all have to stop and rest alot and also take a bunch of restroom breaks and then also eat everything in sight so it was a long night. It was good fun though! They had 2 haunted venues- The Scream Factory Haunted house and the Haunted Trail- which was outdoor trail you go through...both were well done and fun and scary. Then we got to ride the midway all night and it was cool to be on a roller coaster at night-- it was chilly but super fun. I was surprised on the nephew-Dustin as he is 11 and a rough and tumble guy/kid but man he was super sacred of the haunted stuff and hid his face in both haunted houses! I of course was made to go first in the Scream Factory and pretty much yelled and jumped like a school gal. There was a ton of teenagers milling about and it was fun to see all the young boys giving the hubby and I "the eye" We chuckled as most of them were with girls.....Oh high school and the days when you had a beard.

Saturday- Headed out mid morning and went running around town getting our shopping done at the market and errands. Got home by 1pm and had some lunch and then got out in the yard to do some clean up-mowed the lawn and hubby did the gutters. Had a dinner date with our gal pals that evening and had some Chinese take out from Mr Lees- YUM! Had some strong cocktails which totally hit the spot and then carved a few pumpkins. They are having a party this next Saturday so we helped pump out a few pumpkins for decor....these are them above....Dogs were happy to go along and had a good time too! We got home by 9 but was so tired from Friday night that both the hubby and I and the 3 dogs fell fast asleep in the parlor on our sectional in front of the TV within minutes. We put on Ugly Betty but I think I saw maybe the first 10 minutes and then was off to la la land....

Sunday- The morning was busy as we cleaned the house and then gave the dogs a bath. By noon we were out the door to meet hubbys Aunts, grandma and Dustin as they had asked if we would take Gram and Dustin out to the pumpkin patches as they had never been. So we did the whole pumpkin patch,sling shot pumpkins, corn maze, farm animal fall thing.... We saw the biggest meanest turkey ever but boy was he beautiful! We ate candy apples and kettle corn and all that....It was a great fall was a great fall weekend! I am going to need one of those Monday afternoon naps today after I get home from work that for sure.


  1. The wireLESS part sounds perfectly woofy. Very nice. Do it more often!

  2.'ve got some skills with a carving knife!

  3. Drinking strong cocktails and carving pumpkins with sharp knives? You like to live dangerously, don't you?

    Mark :-)
