Friday, October 10, 2008

Wild Waves
Fright Fest!

We are off to the Halloween Fright Fest tonite....Taking the nephew and some friends- Looks to be a super good time- 2 haunted houses and all kinds of scary stuff....right up all our alleys so we are excited! Its suppose to be a dry weekend in Seattle so we have to get out and about before the Seattle rain monsoons hit-- its a bit chilly though its low 50's hi 40's...the cold came in a few days ago and everyone's complaining about the chilly cold already! Will dress really warm tonite that's for sure...Will hit the pumpkin patches this weekend as well--I have never been on a roller coaster at night so you may hear me screaming from where you are! Hope I don't wet my panties! Have a good weekend all! Happy Fall!


  1. I love Halloween. BEST. HOLIDAY. EVER.

  2. hope you had fun. i'm planning to go to the pumpkin patch this weekend..


  3. Anonymous8:43 AM


    Did I scare ya??

  4. Low 50's? That makes my nipples hard. I wish.
    That sounds like a fun time. Hope you all survive.

  5. Looks like the RNC!
