Sunday, November 16, 2008

High Speed Cop Chase 
through our front yard...

This afternoon as I lay in a nap and the hubby was starting dinner we had a hi speed cop chase that ended in our yard...The fuzz was chasing a stolen car and then they ran out on foot through our yard after the crash...They caught them but they asked us to keep an eye out for a gun they may have ditched in our yard!   WTF!!!  Now we don't live in a bad neighborhood which freaks me a bit that this has happened.  I am so stressed as it took out the front gates and made a big ass mess of my yard.   They told us we would have to do a civil case against the low life to do the repairs....great.....I have to call my homeowners and see what can be done from that end---I know we will have to pay to get this all cleaned up and Im ready to explode with anger!  FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!! 


  1. You have to admit, it made for an interesting post for your blog. Any of the cops cute?

  2. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Another reason not to go on the limo ride-yikes boys. Let us know if we can do anything for you. We can come over next weekend and help you clean up. xoxo the girls

  3. Anonymous7:36 PM

    holy crap.
    bright side: you might be able to get yourself a fence by Gucci.

  4. OMG

    That pretty fucking scary!! Hope all is well. nice pictures to the blog. Did you see any hot cops?

  5. LOTS of hot cops--- considering there was over 30 of them at the house...

  6. So let us know which episode of C.O.P.S. will feature your house so we can watch. :)

  7. WOW.

    I MEAN, WOW.

  8. Holy crap, not good, tho there could be an upside, did you get interviewed on t.v.? You could be the new Joe the plumber or something like that!

  9. Yikes! Sorry.

    Mark :-)
