Monday, November 17, 2008

I am STRESSED and a little depressed....
Too much going on-- So I started my new changed job position today----instead of a layoff ( which they did and let go 20% of our office -- they did a reorg in my area and now I am in a new sales position)..... this is ok but its a new thing so I have a bit of some butterflies.. On my mind of course is the big car crash in our yard yesterday.....and also our car that we had that hit and run on a few weeks ago. We will now have to pay 2 deductibles one for the house yard damage and one for the car so cash is tight....And unless I take these people to court we will never see any resolution so I can kiss this $ goodbye.... and I have a zit... and the dogs need to be groomed and I dont have any time off from this new job to recoup.....ayyyyyyyy!! So can you hear me screaming from where you are?


  1. What you need to do is Take some deep breaths and relax. Smile and try to do what you think is right. Life throw curve balls (lol)all the time. You can choose to hit them or let them pass you by.


  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh, honey...Delegate.

  3. hi rad ass,

    thanks for stopping by my blog a while ago. sorry to hear about your huge bit of bad luck...

    take your time doing the repairs, don't think they gotta be done tomorrow or even the day after?

    take care mate...

  4. There there sugar. We all have these atrociously stressful overwhelming moments.

    It could be worse. Much worse. You'll be fine, as hard as that ay seem, but yes, I hear/feel your pain.

  5. It will pass, you can count on that, tho it's tough :(

  6. Hugs :-) Better now?

  7. Sorry to hear about your stressful situations. Hopefully you can relax and unwind on the weekends and at night.

    Mark :-)
