Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Hump Day.....
Happy hump day...Something about a man in tighty whities! Bonus when they are wet too..Click for a larger view..It put me in a better mood today that's for sure!

So I am so looking forward to 3 day weekend! I didn't realize we had a day off this next Monday for Presidents Day at the office as I have not worked at an establishment that gave you this day off before.... so its nice....Bonus 3 day weekend for me! Yahoo! So we are finally getting caught up at work and home and though I know we were only gone for a week everything piled up which surprised me.....So we are slowly getting back to normal and getting to the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. The house and dogs were well cared for and so at least that area is top notch! Its nice to be home as I missed the kids...I didn't however miss this weather! It has been off and on snow the last few days--we drove to work yesterday in the snow and then again on the way home and arrived home to a white yard and house! I miss the warm weather and sunshine we had in Hawaii.... and beach and food and boys and ....Anyhow we are now lathering ourselves from head to toe in moisture lotion as it is so dry with all this cold! Super Whaaaa!!!

Well ....we had such a great time on holiday in Hawaii-- It was only a week but it didn't go by to quickly and we got to see and spend time with friends and family and also met some new boys and a few couples that are now new formed lifelong friendships. We also took time to look at homes and such as we were hoping to feel out the situation as we contemplate a possible move to the islands.....we met another couple that just did that as well.....So its possible.....Its seems jobs would be the easy part.... but finding a place to live with 3 dogs would be another factor....We don't want to live somewhere with a 1-2 hour commute each way and that may be the factor with the homes and area we could afford and or it doesn't look like we would be able to do it right now but you never know...We will see how it goes in the next few months. We do know we would have to sacrifice a few things we take for granted living on the mainland-- but we have to weigh the plus factors as well living in paradise...... So its all something to think about right now. Plus I got some shitty news while I was away.....I don't want to get into right now but will soon. My mothers health isn't very good right now and that has put me on cruise control. I am not in the best state of mind right now as my mom goes through some serious health obstacles and lets just say I am sorta a wreck over it all....The best thing for me right now is to not think about it to much...When I do I become a blubbering mess......Anyhow I will elaborate more when I am able to do so.....for now keep my mommy in your prayers k?

Its good to be back.....I missed ya.... xoxoxo


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM


  2. Sending you great thoughts and positive waves...

    Talk to you soon!

  3. I have yet to visit Hawaii, but really hope to do so one of these days. Looks/sounds wonderful.
