Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Day is right around the corner....
Wont You Be Mine?

Is it Friday yet? Gosh darn it! I am so ready for my 3 day weekend already!! Its nice that VD is falling on a Saturday this year eh?.... Not that the hubby and I get into all the hoopla surrounding VD but we plan to get together with some friends for a dinner and maybe some drinks tomorrow night. Lord knows I need some cocktails to start off my weekend...And actually we were pretty good in Hawaii.....we only went out on 3 nights and didn't consume too much while in the islands so in all we were well behaved. Well sort of..... he he.....I really wanted to bring back some Lychee Vodka--stuff was amazing and yummy and I went crazy over the cost of Vodka at Costco over there! In Seattle we are taxed to death on our liquor so the prices are double for alcohol--- I guess that can be a good thing in my case.....

So not any big plans for the big 3 day weekend but we are really looking forward to a lunch this Saturday....We have a luncheon date set with this fine fellow and I am super excited to meet him live-- I feel like I already know him so well anyhow! It will be a nice Valentines day lunch for sure when we hook up! I was trying to meet up with this crazy boy too and his new BF before they jet off to the Caribbean this weekend-- we had a movie date night planned a few weeks ago but hubby got sick....we plan to reschedule and will do that when they are back from yet another vacation....Lucky! So it looks like 2009 will be the year I meet my fellow bloggers live! Good times! I plan to meet most of you someday soon! xoxo


  1. Spouse & I don't normally do much for Valentines day either, but we will be having company this weekend and spending it with friends.

    Lychee vodka sounds FAB!

    Enjoy your visit with Lewis.

  2. Why yes. Yes, I will be your Valentine's Day lunch date. I CAN HARDLY WAIT!
