Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Gay Dar Was Buzzin Big Time.
During the movie Top Gun

Im back! The cruise weekend was very cool and I am still catching up and recouping. So while cruising on Saturday afternoon I was about to take a little cat nap in my stateroom before dinner when on the tele the movie Top Gun came on....I totally got sucked in with all those handsome top guns and enjoyed the movie as I hadn't seen it in sometime....My gay dar however was going berserk each time Tommy and Kelly came on screen!! I remember how I thought the love scene between them was so awkward and tense and it gave me a vibe of awkward and tense. Now this week I see Top Gun and L Word actress Kelly McGillis says she is "definitely [looking for] a woman...So I guess she has come out and says she is done with the man thing....I wonder when Mr Tom Cruise will admit he has that man thing? tee he he!

Watch the interview HERE.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Mini Cruise Weekend
We are heading out for a mini cruise weekend today and its on one of my favorite ships the Ms. Amsterdam! I am about to leave work in about 1/2 hour and head home-- give the dogs a kiss grab my Louis Vutton Bag and head on over to the pier.....We are leaving Seattle at 5pm this afternoon and will wine, dine and dance the night away and then have a day in Victoria British Columbia tomorrow from 8am to 11pm and then a day in Vancouver BC on Sunday. We arranged a private motor coach in Victoria (with friends and family that is also on the cruise) to do a city tour and stop for a few hours at the Butchart Gardens!!! The gardens will be super beautiful tomorrow and right up my alley! Nothing like a spring garden tour! How gay but oh so fabulous!!! We arrive back into Seattle on Monday morning at 7am. Its a shorty but I am excited! I took Monday off so I can tinker with the kids and house when I get back as well! I am happy and Im looking forward to a great weekend! It will be great to have a mini weekend getaway and it will be really nice to be pampered on a cruise!!!....Bon Voyage

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dear Members of the Media
Perez Hilton is not the spokesperson for the gay community...

Well said here at Tom and Lorenzos

Is it just me or is Perez looking good these days-- he sure has shed the pounds and though he is sorta a drama queen loud mouth-- he is quite handsome these days ... just sayiing..

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Make sure you do your part! Not only today but always.....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice
Go Joan and Jessie!
Is anyone else watching the Celebrity Apprentice? I have watched some of the previous seasons but it has never caught my attention much.....But for some reason this season with Joan Rivers on it has ......thanks to the DVR of course......I am sorta hooked on it! I am rooting for Jessie James and of course Joan.....I am not too happy as it seems to now be about WHOM can raise the most money due to there celebrity status- that's a bunch of Huey! Has that always been the premise? In any event I cant wait to next weeks episode as it seems Joan is going to go off and get ballistic on Annie and Brandie....I so love me a good bitch cat fight! As far as I am concerned Annie a big time major snatcholla and Brandies a waste of space...Let em have it Joan!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Have a SUPER DUPER week!
Have a great week everyone.....theres a smile on faces all across the Pacific Northwest as we all get to enjoy some partial sun and warm temps ( 70 ish) for a few days....Awwwww...its super duper...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Beach Time Yet?
Bryan Thomas Style...
Is it time to hit the beach already? Or at least the coast? I needed some incentive today to get ready for some sunshine...and sexy man Bryan Thomas hits that spot well! These pics look like they were taken on the Washington or Oregon Coast -- Now If I ran into Bryan in his square cut speedo below as I took the trail turn while taking my beach stroll....My jaw would drop....dang!.....He is such a good hot looking man! I love the top photo too as it reminds me of how the hubby and I prefer to dress in the sun and makes me excited to wear some shorts and again and break out all my cool slippas ( I think some of you may call them thongs-flip flops or sandals)....I call them slippas!! My feet are so ready to see the light!

I really love the fact that Bryan is a natural body builder and doesn't believe in all the crap enhancers and chems most guys use these days to get big and buffed...Check out his blog you can see more hot hot hot and hot pics!!!

Kate Gosselin
Sorry Kate you have the bad hair dew of the week!

So I have to admit I am a fan of Jon and Kate Plus 8 and through the years I get to channel surfing and all of a sudden I find myself stuck on TLC and this great show. I just adore the Gosselin's. They really remind me of my home growing up--Less 2 kids...we had 4 of us all that was all a year apart. I love how Kate is organized and Jon is Jon and generally how they run the house and there lives. It reminds me of my parents. I love the fact that the kids are all super cute and they are Hapa Haole ---as am I. My mom loves the show as well as it reminds of her of our family as well and mentions the similarities all the time. How can you not adore those kids-- I have a special like for Aaden the professor and Alexis....but all the little ones are so darn cute....I do think Mady is kinda a brat....I hope she grows out of that....Lately there has been some scandals with Jon and I think that has passed......I just hope they return to TV soon.

Now I'm not one to judge......ok I am......But I came across this photo of dear Kate.....And I have to say this-- WTF is she thinking with this hair? I like the bang action but that action in back is so wrong.....Sorry Kate! Kate you get the bad dew of the week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I was thinking today......
So..... its been over a month on this hiatus.....and its been a very nice break! I just wonder if I should come back you know? I was so bored with it and so busy with so many things when I decided to take a break. And to be honest at the time I thought ok enough is enough!! This is the end.....I am sick of it!

But its a new day and today I am bored! Bored bored bored..... super fucking bored! Its one of those days I wish I could keep busy and find something to do.....And so I come to my old blog....I could be posting some hot guy on my blog ( what I like to call my scrapbook at times-- this blog of mine) like this hot dude pictured--Ernesta Juodis----I mean look at this guy---oh my Fricken god!!! He is a major hunk of burning love in my book! Or I could be talking about TV shows like Make me a Supermodel and Celebrity Apprentice and NY Housewife's-- or how I wish the sun would come out as my ass is sick of this cold and wants a good workout....I mean my yard and garden needs a good workout from me and some sun....oops!! Yes Im still naughty...that hasnt changed.....How Easter was quiet with just the folks and the we had a small dinner and cocktail party on Saturday night and had friends over and had out of town PDX blogger join us and so got to meet in person sweet stud Derek and his BF John.....or how I wish I was a sex slave and I got to take.........ok maybe that is TMI.....But its so true-- I think I need to come back and post when needed....I need the outlet big time ....this I think I may start posting again every now and then....hope you like my return to the blogsphere! Rad is BACK!
Nothing like a man in white briefs! Classic HOT!!