Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Number One Son
Was looking through some old pics again today...Ii seems I have always had a dog in my life....Here I am with Shadow and my gal pals Cindy and Tina catching some rays in the Seattle sunshine at a yard sale we put on.....this was maybe 15-20 years ago.....Shadow lived a good life on Capitol Hill in Seattle with me and my gang of friends. Shadow was such a cool dog! He liked to walk all around most of the time on his own all over the hill...and I mean all over! Lets just say he was well known in the gay ghetto and had lots of friends.....I think he may have picked up as many boys as I did! LOL! Do we even have gay ghettos anymore? He used to go to the 7-eleven and the Thriftway and Safeway grocery stores on 15th ave ( we lived on 16th and James in a big 3 story house) and hang out by the doors and people would give him snacks....back then there were not many pet stores and not like the world is crazy! He was a very independent dog and most people would gawk today on how free he was- People called him Toto-he was never on a leash but followed me everywhere....But it was cool as Shadow had his own thing he roamed where he wanted and knew where his home was.....The Thriftway has long been replaced by condos and the old Safeway replaced by a shiny new one and Shadow has gone off to dog heaven....He passed 3 years ago this June...he is well remembered..... He was my number one son....


  1. 15-20 years ago??!! Say it isn't so!! It looks like yesterday!

  2. Nowadays, Shadow wouldn't have been able to roam so freely. Too bad.

  3. A sunny day in Seattle?

    When WAS this?
