Friday, May 22, 2009

Another Fave TV Gulity Pleasure!

5 stars, 2 thumbs up, 5 snaps, kudos..... etc for new show GLEE!! From Ryan Murphy, creator of "Nip/Tuck" and "Popular," a new 1 hourweekly musical comedy! It premiered this last week on FOX.

It is going to be good! I suggest you check it out....Hubby said it the gayest show on TV.....I agree! LOVE LOVE LOVE It!! It reminds me of Popular and I hope it gets legs and finds a huge audience-- common boys!!! I want a full season deal! Go GLEE go!!!! I wish I was in Glee in my hight shchool...awesome!


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I've only heard great things about this show. I'm looking forward to it this fall!

  2. We liked this show, too! What a refreshing change from the many 'reality' shows on these days. Clever, funny, and true to its subject.

  3. I also really Loved this show! It is a shame that we have to wait until the fall!

  4. i love Glee too. it's my new fave too

  5. i want to see this...

  6. I did see it (after that dreaded American Idol) and I enjoyed it. I can see that many people will gather and tune in also...

    I missed ya kid. I promise I'll be a better blog buddy...

