Friday, June 26, 2009

Seattle Pride 2009
My weekend pride plate is full!

Its Gay Pride Weekend in Seattle!!! Lots going on this weekend for me!! So start your engines! Tonight we start of the weekend with a BBQ which should be a blast! Get to see old friends and just party and chillax! Its going to be a mix of old co workers and friends so it should be lots of fun. Tomorrow was suppose to be a day to relax and then this came up --The Capitol Hill Pride Festival and its the REAL PRIDE if you ask me and I am super duper fricken excited!!!! Since doing many many prides as a young lad in Seattle--my first pride was 1986 thank you....times have sure changed and we all know it .....those of us that have been around many prides know what I am taking for Seattle it used to be in what was the Gay Ghetto- at least that's what we called the area known as Capitol Hill......Well a few years ago the venue changed and since it had outgrew Capitol Hill for the parade and festival at Volunteer Park they moved the parade downtown and festival to Seattle Center....This was so more people could celebrate and it would be more of a family event and all that-- more mainstream you know. Well that didnt and doesn't sit well with all in the gay community as some think it has changed for the worst and we lost OUR celebration....Which I can understand as we all know as we have changed and grew and our gay communities, identities and just the whole culture is changing and evolving with the world nowadays. Anyhow... I like many really miss the old days and this festival is going to fill that void of what is USED to be like at a pride--- Its going to be so fun.... Ongina and Shannel will be performing-- doggie drag show----and lots of hot boys...and its on the hill!! perfect!!! Most of the straights will be at Sundays events which is fine....

So Sunday we will still be doing the parade still...but we will skip the festival at the Seattle Center... The girls are having a big ol gay BBQ blast at the house on Sunday night and that should be a perfect finale to a big ol gay weekend.....Phew...I am going to need my energy! So happy pride to all! Will catch you on the other side of this rainbow of a weekend!! xoxoxox


  1. I wish we had the time know full well that we'd love to join you. Happy Weekend!

  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Better get your heels ready!!!


  3. Have a fabulously festive rainbow Pride filled weekend!!

  4. Have a great weekend! ...... Don't forget the clean underwear!
