Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Smoking HOT Dude!
and my Weekend Update

Happy Gay Pride...Its pride week here in Seattle! Whoo hoo! Now this is what I am talking about......HOLY SMOKES!!! this man is too hot for words....pure hotness and sex! Hubba Hubba Hubba! I wanted to post his.....uhem....But I will send it to you uppon request if you want that...

So its already been a busy week and so my post might be a little scarce but I will try ( yes Arnie....I will try to do better) Had a nice weekend as we dog sat our gal pals two cute Havensese dogs-- Miso and Juku and so we had a real dog house with 5 critters running around all weekend......that was super fun...So we pretty much stayed in and did stuff around the house and yard most of the weekend Watched some good movies as we had free HBO and Showtime over the weekend which was perfect timing! I did go out and get True Blood season one which was released last week and loved it!!! We got through 6 of the 12 episodes and it was really good and I am a major fan....It reminds me of an adult Twlight....I loved it....

We did happen to go out on Saturday night for a bon voyage for my nephew Dustin who will be leaving for boot camp today in Virginia...he joined the Coast Guard..... It was a fun night as we got to see lots of family and friends-- it was sad too as it hard to say goodbye to our boy but we know it will be great for him. He is going to be 21 in August...gosh where has the time gone? I know my sister is going to be a basket case today as that is her darling boy.....I will call her tonite to check in that's for sure.......


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Francois Sagat IS hot!

  2. They were originally calling for rain here in Seattle for Pride. It looks like enough of us have had prayers answered and it should be nice. Still haven't heard who's performing at this year's event. Last year, I got to meet the lovely Kristine W!!!

    Happy pride to you and yours!

    BTW, True Blood is HAWT!

  3. Yummy. Be sure to take and post Pride photos!
