Friday, July 31, 2009


The weekends here and I am super happy to say thank god its FRIDAY-- the weather has cooled to the high 80's and I'm ready to start our weekend. Going to meet this fine fella-- From Spirit of St Lewis for some dinner tonite as he has a evening lay over in Seattle. I know he does yoga and eats well so I am going to drill him on all that as I want to get into a healthier lifestyle too. We cant wait to hang out with him! Do you think he will strike a pose for me like this yoga dude above? I have a feeling he will....I am hoping! He can show us some moves! :-)

Not much else going on this weekend...Its Seafair weekend here so its big celebrations all over with Hydro races on the lake--Blue Angels flying over head....Its going to be a mad house all over...thousands of people out everywhere.......We usually head out on the boat for Seafair and party like rock stars on the lake...but this year we are going to take it easy and play our weekend by ear and just chill. it is suppose to be wonderful and sunny and not too hot...In the 80's. I have to take my mom out for her b day as today is her actual birthday. Other than that a chill weekend which is cool. Well folks not much else to report so I am going to make like a berry and jam.....I know silly but it is that time of year for berry picking and jamming and jellying! I love a good jam! Have a good weekend lovers!! xo


  1. Did you say you were going to drill me? And what a lovely pic of the Upward Facing Dog. Unfortunately, try as I may, I'll never look this good. See you in a few hours.

  2. I was going tosay good luck, but your freind saw your blog before I did. Hope you the best anyway.

  3. Anonymous3:28 PM

    that young man's name is Kenya and he's featured over at Randy Blue. Not that I've been to that site....I just heard. from someone. somewhere. er...

  4. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I remember this photo of the guy lying on a towel on the lawn!
