Monday, August 03, 2009

Growers To Show Ya...
With all this heat we have been having in Seattle some plants in our yard and garden are going gang busters! Lots of growers and showers in the yard that's for sure! These are a few I snapped on my phone on Saturday morning to send to my mom as she cant come over to see it in person.... we are just amazed at the plants that don't normally do well in Seattle but this years is going bonkers! Above is a red leaf banana tree--It was a little thing when we planted and now it is a mini tree! It is pumping out a few leaves a week! We put it in a small pot so we can bring in for the winter but it is growing out of this pot very fast! I Love it!

A few more pics below---One of my Lilly's and then one of my hubby's peppers...His tomatoes are also going gang busters-- We are amazed on how these plants are doing..... its like the tropics not Seattle!
Lilly's Lilly's and more Lilly's! I picked about 10 stalks and took some into work and put some in the house and still have tons!

Peppers! Had to take this one as my mom and dad loved it! We wished we could plant the Hawaiian Chili Pepper!


  1. Your lilies are amazing!

  2. Beautiful lilies. Nothing like that blooming in this TX heat. Wish I had some of those peppers.
