Saturday, October 24, 2009

Self Pics
Home today--Hubby had to work a Saturday shift...for some reason woke up a few hours ago  feeling yucky...Took a bunch of vitamins and a energy drink deal.....God I hope I am not getting sick!!!  Fuck!!  So playing on my mac and took some pics....Wow this thing is fun.....I can make movies and videos too!  Well I better go eat something--soup is good food....I hope I feel better after I eat....


  1. Hey Rad, I'm glad you've been having fun! And I hope you get well soon!!!!!!! If I could, I'd cook you a soup! But tell hubbie that I can give him my recipe!!! You take a baked chicken (do you know, one of those that that you buy on supermarkets) and pressure cook it with carrots, potatoes and whatever other vegetables you like. As the chicken is already seasoned, you don't even have to worry about that!!!

    Adam (

  2. Hey buddy... I hope you feel better. Just lay down (preferably naked)and relax. You'll feel better in no time.


  3. Wished I was there to make you feel better. I could nurse you back to health. I think your pictures are very good looking for a sick guy.

  4. Nice rainbow collage of colors! Hoping by now that you're feeling better.....what you need is me to come up and cook for you.
