Friday, October 23, 2009

My TOTAL type and I am sure yours as well....Such perfection! Mr Joseph Sayers by Hudson Wright. Whoo Whooey its finaly FRIDAY! Its the weekend and time to go out and have some good fun. We have this weekend and next that is overflowing with events!!! It should be a grand time and I am excited for it all...Cocktail partys! Brunches! A Date Night! A threeway! ....he he he....Weekends don't get much more fun then this.... Hope you all have a splendid weekend as well..... Want to see more of Jospeh? Check it ........More here


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I would have no trouble spending a weekend with him!

  2. Rad Homo. I think you are better looking than him any time. not that I would through either one of you out of my bed for eating crackers. I hop eyou have a wonderful and Great weekend.

  3. That is one beautiful man. About the weekend.....can we tag along? Yours sounds much more fun!

  4. wow, what an exciting weekend, count me in!!!

    About the cake, I'd love to share it with you.

    Oh, btw, nice selection of pics!!!

  5. While he's not exactly my "type" I can always appreciate a beaautiful man. Have a great weekend!
