Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Mark Salling
Just a good ol handsome lad from Texas!

Speaking of the Wendy Williams show and how she has the best guest....see post below.....she had Mark Salling (Puck from GLEE) on yesterday....it was his first talk show appearance...boy he is handsome! Hot Damm! A nice guy from Texas too-he was kinda shy and oh so polite....and so darn cute.....Are you watching GLEE yet? Get with it already folks! I suggest you You Tube his Sweet Caroline performance too!


  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I am not watching Glee. Eeeks. I know. How could I?!?! I know I'd enjoy it so eventually I will. Right now, there is so much buzz about it that I'm getting turned off. LOL. I'll watch Season 1 when it comes out on DVD.

  2. I love Puck! And his nipple ring. [grin]
