Tuesday, November 03, 2009

The Wendy Williams Show
Shout it out...Its the BEST!!

A new guilty pleasure ...so we put into our DVR's que all the talk shows--Ellen, Oprah, etc... they all tape daily and in afternoon/evening we check see if any are worth watching due to the guest and topics....What is funny is we hardly ever end up watching Ellen or Oprah...Maybe once in a blue moon they will have a guest ( Whitney, Micheal Jackson Story etc) that I will sit to watch -- but usually I fast forward to the guest that I like and then its a delete.... BUT a show I have been watching EVERYDAY for the last 2 months is WENDY WILLIAMS!! LOVE HER and this show!!! Has anyone watched this yet? She is the best.....She is fun to watch and I just love her and her Hot Topics and her Wig and just everything about her and her new show....She is REAL!!! Please check it out and you will be a fan for sure!

It is kinda low tech in production....( hence they have a fly problem) it kinda reminds me of Rupauls low budget production he had with Drag Race...But like Ru and his upcoming season 2....I see a very big budget for both of them for the next seasons.......her show is on fire! TOTAL gay approved and you know what that means.....ITS HOT and will be super mainstream soon....We pick it first....She has the best guest too!! So How You Doing?

1 comment:

  1. You do realize, don't you, that if it weren't for good people like you to keep me up to date and informed of the latest and greatest Hollywood goings-on, I'd exist in the darkness of the non-mainstream rock that is on my head.
