Thursday, December 10, 2009

Calvin Klein-
Always SO GOOD...

Remember this ad? Some of you-- well most of you are most likely too young to recall this one....To me its one pic that help start the whole underwear for men revolution in ads and print and such........Well some would argue that it was the Jim Palmer Underwear ads as well that really changed the landscape so to speak...and that did as well...But this was more my speed in the 1980's and really got us boys going! Times have sure changed and it has exploded with men in underwear and so much more all over the media and on this inter net thing and on and on and on.....Back in the day you had to go into your Sears or JC Penny catalog to look at the guys in underwear. Can you imagine...hey don't knock it it wasn't so bad....LOL

Well I have always enjoyed Calvin Klein's work from Marky Mark to Antonio Sabato....this list can go on and on when it comes to men in CK underwears and ads.... CK does a good job with all they do and there is a new ad out that was in my Dec issue OUT magazine and it just gives me a nice the pants! It isn't an underwear ad but gosh darnitt....this is one handsome devil indeed! I just love Calvin Klein and who they choose for male models..... I want a life size poster of this one in my locker please...Im in love with this guy...


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    that underwear ad started it all! as soon as i saw that, i started buying GQ etc etc...

    i AM that old.

  2. That ad was the start on my underwear fetish also! I grew up wearing underwear from Woolworth's!! What a revelation that undies could be so sexy!

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    They always do such amazing marketing. Love it.
