Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Friday Bitches!
As you all know already I am a total thermal lova and its still very much the attire these days here in the Northwest! It was about 18 degrees this am when we left for work....Brrrrrrr....This pic of Craig Malozzi in his thermal pant does help get the temperature rising though....thanks to photographer Kristopher Kelly for this one...

So whats going on with you all this weekend? We are watching our good friends doogies while they are on a quick weekend getaway so we will have 2 additional kids ( 2 adorable Havanese Juku and Miso) along with our 3 kiddums! So we are in for the weekend with 5 kids running around....We also will have our 13 year old nephew spending the its going to be a stay at home and hang out kind of weekend Dusitn just turned 13 a few weeks ago so we are having a boys weekend....Movies, food, video games should be lots of fun and we enjoy his company....we may venture out tonite or tomorrow and go check out some Christmas lights.....We invited my ma and pa (as my mom loves to go "look at lights") I told her they can choose the night and we can pile in he car and drive around looking at all the neighborhood light displays while listening to Christmas music and sipping hot coco form our thermas........They say SNOW maybe something to expect this weekend so it will be a good weekend for us to put on our thermals, put on a fire and hang out in the Rad Homo cabin! Stop by if you get a chance!

Here a pic of our nephew Dustin....I took the other night-- he and his hot coco! Its so crazy that he is 13!


  1. Craig Malozzi is hot in his thermal. Have a good weekend with the neph and the kids. :D

  2. I bought three new thermals yesterday at the Gap Outlet...60% off! maybe i'll just wear the top for you......

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Wow. That is some hot thermal photo. Gorgeous.

    Have a great weekend! It's finally here.

  4. Have fun with all the kiddos this weekend! I want some snow! We rarely see it here in Atlanta.

  5. Those thermals know how to put a smile in a guy's pants!
