Thursday, December 03, 2009

I Miss My Old Claw Foot Tub!
So we have had a nice week weather wise in Seattle! It has been very sunny and dry but a bit chilly! Its been about freezing every night and we have been about 40 as a daytime high......not too bad but its our first chill of the season.....Brrrrr.....but I really don't mind it as I love sunny crisp days and will take it over rain anytime as we had that steady rain-wind and gray for a few weeks and I was ready to cry. So after a chilly day there is nothing like a good hot bath!~ I used to love the old house I lived in as it had a big ass claw foot tub and it was the best for soaking and just chilling in it. It was also big enough where you could have your buddy in there with ya and I did that on many occasion's! You scrub mines and I will scrub yours.....Now we have a tub that is like those normal ones much like the pic above.....its way too small and sadly this boy was not including with it....My next house is going to have a big tub....Or I am going to have to put one in if I get to remodel our bathroom-- which maybe the case as we may never move with this recession. I want to soak with my hubby and then have the option also invite whomever I want to splish splash with as well!


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    We are noticing a small hint of winter here in Minneapolis too. No snow, but I can feel the air changing.

    The guy in the photo looks like a young Matt Dillon. HOT!! I'd play hide the rubber ducky with him!

  2. We are having the same weather in Portland, but not quite so cold. I am sorta enjoying the brisk, clear days & the beautiful full moon the last few nights.
    When we lived in Seattle, in Wallingford, we had a huge old claw-foot tub. I would soak & soak & then re-fill with hot water 1 more time. I would lite candles & I would read in the tub. Now, in Portland we have a shower only, & I miss the soak... of course, I would enjoy soaking with that lad!

  3. I love the look of those tubs, but alas I'm a shower guy.
    It's 16 deg in Denver right now.

  4. Hot.
    (And I think I might have a way to heat things up further, that is if you're into sexy scents... Check out my current feature.) :-)

  5. Hey, I've got an boys could come on over here to my hotel by the SeaTac Airport -- I'm here for a short overnight tonight. It has a bathtub. Hum......

  6. Hooray for long, hot baths!

    My favorite!


  7. "Rub-a-dub dub, 3 men in a tub". Wasn't that in a children's nursery rhyme? What was THAT all about???
