Friday, December 04, 2009

Its been a "BEAR" of a week...

And not a good BEAR like the one above.....Lets just say I am so dang glad Friday is here! Nada planned for the weekend...well we have stuff going on just no plans cemented or committed too....I feel like laying around all weekend with a fire and just chillaxing...But maybe we get some of the Christmas decor going on the inside of the home. I don't know why but I am just not in the mood to decorate the inside this year. Do you think I am a loser if I take a year off from decor on the inside? We did the entire outside and its lovely! Its all LED lights and beautiful! I know I know....I need to get off my ass and do some of it on the inside as well and just rope it in. I don't want my GAY ID card revoked anyhow...I will decorate....some..... but I wont be doing the tree.

We also have an ornament exchange party tomorrow night as well and its always fun....its a little crazy as the last few years it has been about 60 plus people ( 90% homo)...that's a big exchange! It takes time to do but its fun to mingle and see old friends and then meet new ones.....but the hubby and I have not decided if we are in the mood for it this year......we may just take a pass this year. Will see how we feel when tomorrow night hits.

I guess we also have a chance of snow this weekend. They say not much and most likely a trace to a few inches at the most. It sure is cold enough for it.......I wore some new long johns last night...I just think long johns are so sexy on a man....I wear them like sweats or PJs bottoms and run around the house in them during the winter. I got some new ones last Friday..they are Joe Boxer black and white military printed ones! They were normally 9.99 but on the Black Friday 4 hr sale they were 3.99! I know big spender me...LOL! Maybe I will get the hubby to snap a pic of me in them for you! So what you all doing this weekend?


  1. long johns are sexy on a man...especially military printed ones :)

  2. Sorry to hear about your bad week. But the guy is HOT maybe you should get warm with him.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

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