Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Channing Tatum
Boy sure has movies star looks doesn't he? I think I need to go out and get this issue...from the pics I have seen he looks fabulous. Wow...he sure has come along way from being a pin up boy for all the gays on all the blogs eh? I wonder who is next....I am a good judge..Maybe its you!!! Please submit all pics to my e mail address. :-)


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    He is so gorgeous! I've done a few blog posts around him too.

  2. I subscribe to Details & although I was not acquainted with Mr. Channing's films, I did spend some special alone time with his feature in the mag!
    Happy weekend to you in Saettle!

  3. Aaahhhh!

    What a handsome, handsome man!!

