Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Season of American Idol
Who Cares?
This may offend some of you but I am so over American Idol...I kinda wish it would tank...Don't get me wrong as I am happy it has brought some great singers into our lives but the show just gets on my nerves....Thank god for my DVR...I can just watch the singers and fast forward all the crap..


  1. It takes more than dissing one of my fave shows to offend me. I STILL LOVE YOU!!! (;

  2. After last season, I said that I'd never watch it again. Icky. Boring. No thanks. Not worth my time. But now that it's starting again, I'm tempted.....

  3. Sorry I quit watch after 2 season.

  4. I still like it and I really want to see how Ellen fits in.
    I said I would never watch it again when Chris Daughtrey got voted off in 4th place and Taylor Hicks won...but I get sucked in every year

  5. RAD!

    I will be watching this season but it won't be the same without Paula Abdul IMHO!!



  6. I sort of feel the same way. Yes, I will still record it so that I can fast forward most of the crap. But no...not real excited about it.

  7. I agree with you. The show's lost much of its appeal, and I still don't understand why they would select Ellen DeGeneres as a judge. The show needs to go off the air while it's still in our good graces.

  8. I know what you mean. I don't plan my evenings around watching Idol anymore. If I'm available, I watch it. But as you said, it would be so much better to be able to just watch the singers and skip all of the judges boring, senseless chatting as well as those stupid Ford commercials they force the singers to participate in.

  9. Kelly Clarkson was my last "had to see" season.

  10. Hey, RAD...totally not offended. I never got into the show at all. Don't really care. I do have to admit that there have been a few good recording artists come outta the deal.

    I'm actually working on a thesis regarding how reality television programming has altered popular culture for better/worse! Even though I'm not personally really in to the genre, I still find it fascinating from a sociological standpoint.
