Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Hump Day!
A Furry Edition

Happy hump day! Don't you just love today's furry edition? I know it makes me happy! HOT!!

Well had a nice 4 day is a short recap ...Friday night went out with a couple of nice gents for dinner and then went to a drag show which was one of the best I have seen in a long time. Had dinner at Julias and then stayed for the drag show Le Faux. It stars Shannel from RuPauls drag race and it was hightly entertaining and fun. You may have saw our facebook photo with Shannel this weekend....anyhow he is a great guy and does a VERY good drag! I guess he will be in Vegas in March doing hosting duties for the show there...We plan to go back very soon with some other friends as they will get a big hoot and love this kinda stuff! We popped into a friends b day party on the way home from the show...... Was really suppose to just be a drop in Happy B day but we ended up partying to 330am! OMG! I cant recall the last time I was up that late!!! Got home at 4am..yes 4am!! so we pretty much just relaxed and slept all day Saturday.....Saturday night we went to a Valentines party and got to see lots of friends and that was a ton of fun....Sunday we took the nephew to see Wolfman....It was pretty good and he enjoyed it as he picked the movie.... Went to lunch and then watched movies all Sunday night....Monday was some quick errands and a trip to Costco...then we relaxed and hung out at home.....So a nice weekend some R and R but it went by too fast....Now back at work....Nothing going on other than work and the daily stuff.....Mom has a bad cold and we are praying she kicks it......Dogs are well.....They love the weather we have right now.....Now if I can just get through this work week......Well furry men like this sure do help.....Hope your week is going well....Meet you on the other side of it real soon! Peace. Love and Fur man.....


  1. Sounds like an excellent weekend! I love a good drag show. I find them to be very entertaining when the performers put actual effort into it.

    Ah yes...Shanelle! :)

  2. I am SO lusting after your furry hump day pic. I am seriouslt turned on. Love your blog - keep up the great work. Behr Hugs!

  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Happy Hump day to you too!! The weekend is almost here!

  4. OMG... It is time for me to go to bed, but I thought-"hmmm, im will check out RAD befre turning in". Now, thatnks to that photo, I am going to have to treat my self to a little something to help go to sleep... Thanks a bunch!

  5. Grrrrr... WOOF!! That guy is HOT!!

    Sounds like you had a great long weekend!
