Friday, February 19, 2010

I am in a DAZE.....
Happy Friday....Thought this dude while hot-- god I love those thighs! Looks just like I feel today... in a total daze....the last few days have been shall we say very challenging....I cant really elaborate to much....yet.....but I will when I am able.... Oh bugger my head hurts!

Work is insane....Mom has and is battling a bad cold.... and life is just a bit messy right now in many ways.... I think a weekend is much needed for my sanity at this point so thank god its here....And a good tall drink is in order for tonite....or maybe a bunch of good tall drinks!


  1. Umm....I just know you were thinking of me when you posted this. Happy birthday to me. Smooches to you boys.

  2. Mmmm, hot! Come over and I'll make you some drinks. It's only 3,000 miles, right?!?!
    Hope things get better! Have a great weekend!

  3. I fully understand where youa re coming from. I been walking through a daze all day long.
    Hope youhave a great weekend.

  4. Anonymous7:07 PM

    It's been a little foggy in my world as well. Have one of those drinks for me. Hope your weekend is awesome!

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    He is hot!! Damn.

  6. Anonymous8:46 PM

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