Monday, March 08, 2010

Monday Monday It back again...a Monday morning.....rah rah rah....NOT......Back to the daily routine... Hubby and I have our daily routine each morning.....we wake up at 415am and waste no time getting our groove on......we shower-change- take our vitamins- I sometimes slug down a cup of joe- make a lunch- throw in a load of laundry in the dryer or washer if needed and then take the dogs out and give them a treat for the day as we leave.....we are usually out the door by 530-545... and we get to work by 6 ready to slave away. We are fast and efficient huh? This morning as I sat drinking my coffee waiting for hub as he finished up getting dressed I wanted so badly to go jump right back into bed.....I didn't do it but man was it tempting.... but I knew I had to be a good boy and face my week. For some reason the kids were wide awake and running about this am which doesn't happen to often but it was fun....usually the 2 shih tzus stay in bed till I take them out for the potty run...but this morning everyone was energized! So it made it even harder to leave the boo boo's for the day.....I swear that has to be one if not the hardest part of having to work for a living...leaving the kids at home! I hate saying good bye each day......I do love the welcome home part though....its my fave thing but we can go to the supermarket and we always get the best welcome home committee of greetings......I LOVE that! Well better get back to slaving....Have a good week!


  1. I think the thing I love the most is that there are other freaks up at the same hour of the day as I am. I love good company!

  2. I have to be at work at 5am- two days a week... I have learned to love early morning.... I am tempted to go back to bed, if there is a man involved.

  3. Anonymous6:21 PM

    You get up at 4:15am?? Damn. I can't even imagine.

    Hot pic today!!

  4. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I can't stop looking at the picture. I wish the other guy was naked too.
