Tuesday, March 09, 2010

There is something about
Peter Sarsgaard
While watching the Oscars the other night I was reminded of a fella that I just simply adore. There is something about this man that sparks me up if you know what I mean. He lights a fire that is special. I know he most likely isn't a cup of tea for many but he so is for me. I just get this feeling when I see him, just hearing him speak and then watching him perform, Its his whole demeanor and aura......Makes me swoon! That lovely Maggie Gyllenhaal is one lucky chick....I was telling the hubby how you just get this vibe that they are such a great couple and how they seem so true Hollywood showbiz.... but in the right way you know? They seem to be a mixture of old, new, and right Hollywood. Its where I would want to be if I was even remotely related to showbiz. Anyhow I love my beefcakes but when it comes to picking a man you know he is just my right type....he is one of them....I just had to share that....

Here is a pic of the couple this last weekend at the Oscars.....love them!


  1. I agree with you. Peter has such an adorable face, and gives off just the right amount of sexiness without overdoing it.

  2. I find him super sexy...especially because he is so talented.
