Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday
Its Good Friday....the office is dead and the drive in to work was nice--- I think the whole town took the day off. I am ready for my holiday weekend....ready to spend time with family and friends. Going to color some eggs tomorrow and have Easter brunch on Sunday.....I like Easter as its a fun family holiday....Hubby and I was at the mall last weekend and of course I got all excited when I saw the Easter Bunny! I should posted the pic of took of him as he was sitting in this giant Easter egg and had a fan that was a giant daisy above his head- so cute! I was so tempted to sit in his furry lap....he he he.....I guess I will never grow up.

I just loved waking up as a kid and getting my Easter Basket and then the big egg hunt that day was always a big event....It was so fun and looking for the golden egg was always an adventure as you would really score as that one had the cash! Easter also reminds me that spring is really here and the plants in my yard are showing me signs of what is to come....Since we had a mild winter the plants are going bonkers! Now we just need to find a garden boy to make sure my garden is tended too as needed....Interested? No anyone? Please send resumes to my e mail address....Pay is pretty good and it come with some great benefits!


  1. Happy Easter!
    I love easter bunny too...quack, quack! remember that commercial? I digress...
    I am taking my dog, Scooby to an egg hunt tomorrow. Well, they don't have one for grown ups so I had to be involved in one

  2. I still do easter baskets with my bf, It's so much fun!

  3. You should do the picture with the Easter Bunny. I would love to see it.

  4. Now THAT'S a HOT picture!

  5. I always loved Easter as well. Have a great day!

  6. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Yeah, holiday weekends are great. It would have been better if I had Good Friday off. I used to a few years back but those days are no more. That's what happens when one changes jobs.

    Your right traffic was a breeze and the day pretty much flew by.

    Happy Easter!

  7. Lovely photo! I envy you: I haven't spent Easter with my family or a family in a very long time. Have a good week.
