Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thursdays Twink
Jeremy Roloff

I have had a post before about my little crush on Jeremy Rolfot from the Little People Big World Show...I just love the show and Jeremy has grown into a major looker. I in fact have a co worker that went over to Roloft Farms last Halloween and got to meet Jeremy and even got a pic with him! He proudly displays it on his desk and it makes me so envious and he knows it!! Well came across a few pics of the family on a recent trip to Hawaii the other day and of course I just zeroed in on Jeremy for yours and my entertainment here. I know he has been known to be kinda racist and pretty homophobic in the news and media. But.....He is young still and sometimes young is naive and or stupid and lets hope for a change in the future for him and his views.....For now the outside wrapping is sure nice to look at though. To post him on my blog and for him to know he has another gay man with his photo on his desk that all the gay boys ohhhh and awww over in our office....well lets just hope that kinda rattles his homophobic cage a bit...


  1. I totally agree! I love that show and he is soooo cute!

  2. 于名于名 --True and some crayons are much brighter than the others ones!!!

  3. He makes those board shorts look GOOD.
