Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lots Going On In Radville Today...
Hump day and its a very busy one.....Some good buds of ours Christofer and Michael have an engagement party this Sat-- and since it is May day (lei day in Hawaii) they decided to do a Hawaiian theme for it.... They asked hubby and I to help with the menu and such for the party so this afternoon and evening we are going over to help prepare and such...Hubbys a great cook so he is helping with the menu...Me? Just standing around looking pretty...LOL! We did order them my fave cake..... that scrummy GUAVA cake! They tried it and fell in deep deep love and had to have it! So this all should be lots of fun! They are excited for the party and then really excited for their upcoming wedding that will be in July. Awwwwww..... such young love birds they are!

We also have my niece Britt moving in with us today. She is 20 and has decided to move away from Hawaii and make her way into the world on the "mainland" . I am so proud of her! She has been wanting to come to Seattle for a long time and finally made the is a big step for her. Hubby and I love her very much and we are glad we are here to support and help her. We very close to her mom and promised her we would watch out for her...

I also got a new job offer "promotion" today- I think I am going to accept it. My stomach is in knots over it....Work is hella crazy right now.....Deep breaths....deep breaths


  1. Congrats on the promotion! I like your style. And I like how you read my blog and post your comments. I can use all the help I can get. Hope you will be honest, critical and suggest things to me as you would a friend.


  2. Please tell your FOLLOWERS to check me out on My Big Itch!

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Good luck with the promotion! Hope your niece enjoys Seattle!

  4. Anonymous6:48 PM

    On behalf of the many of us over 60... where real contact with guys like the depicted has mostly faded, these tidbits and peeks are a real treat.

    Thank you.
