Thursday, April 29, 2010

Working Hard For The Money.....
In my cube....

Well another day another dollaaa... holla! So getting ready to start my day at work and I have a bunch to do. I did manage to organize my desk a bit this am as it needed some cleaning. The dust was getting out of hand as my work cube has 3 large big windows and now that the sun is actually out these days the dust that has engulfed my work area was very I did the whole Clorox wipe thing and now its all fresh and clean and not dusty! kachoo! I was able to purge and get rid of some of the mounds of papers and folders that was all over. Its an ok view huh? At least I have can see that I look into a apt complex and yes I have seen some funny things. My fave apt is the one that has the young man who runs around nude quite often....He works at his desk and studies on the couch and watches TV with no bare ass! He is in his 20's and cute so its a bonus view for sure!

I can also see the top of the Space Needle and lots of sky so it is quite nice....This morning some bums were having an altercation over something on the street below and that was entertaining.... Well time to get to work....Have a lovely day. Im going to try....Lets hope pantless boy is home today.... Sorry about the pics-they are kinda dark...


  1. damn! I never get to see stuff like that! I need a hot nude guy to stalk, I mean watch

  2. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I live across from the undergrads in 'student ghetto' Isla Vista, seen lots of straight sex - they all tend to do too much of the missionary, if you ask me. :-)

  3. Ooh la la....a window office! She works hard for the money.....

  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Wow you've got windows with benefits! :) Sure wish I had that, then again I probably wouldn't get anything done. No wonder I'm stuck in a room with no windows.

    Your cube looks great!
