Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Get well soon..
Daddy and Alika is under the weather...
What a weekend! It was busy and it was eventful....So eventful that the hubby was feeling that he was about to get a cold on Sunday. Maybe he had too much fun over the weekend? .No I think it is really due to the stress at work.... he has been super sick the last few days and I hope he is better soon.

Then we have one of our kids "Alika" that started puking and did so all Sunday night and into yesterday....it was scary as he kept us up all night. He had both his daddies so worried! I stayed home with him all day yesterday and he seems to be on the road to recovery now. He did not start eating till last night so I was worried. We believe he had the flu or food poisoning....Daddy Jeff is home with him today- They are nursing each other back to health.


  1. I can't stand the thought of the poor little babies not feeling well! Big hugs to them both. Maybe they need a sexy naughty nurse in a short skirt to wait on them.

  2. awww, sorry! Hope they are feeling better soon

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Hugs to y'all.....hope all is well soon;)

    Steven Anthony
    Man Dish~Metro Style

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM

    What a cutie! I hope they are both feeling better soon.

  5. Let me add my well wishes to everyone as well. Behr hugs for a speedy recovery!
