Friday, August 20, 2010

Wait is over..
Weekends here again...Ready for the weekend? I am looking forward to it! We have a Hawaiian CD release party tonite....A friend named Roddy Lopez....It will be nice to see the usual suspects in the Hawaiian community that we love so much... We going suck em up! ( Suck em up is an old Hawaiian phrase used back in the Don Ho days! )

Tomorrow we plan to have friends over for dinner...We invited them all over last night as hubbys in the mood to cook and so am I. But I was just invited to a big b day bash and now we have to decide if we should do that or have the dinner. We can take the guest with us tomorrow night is what we may end of doing....LOL! Well will see how we feel tomorrow am... Other than that its a weekend to chill... Hope yours is good too! Suck Em Up!


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I hope your weekend is awesome;)

    Steven Anthony
    Man Dish~ Metro Style

  2. Have a groovy weekend - and nice pic!

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Nice photo. Enjoy your weekend. By the way I'm back on-line.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend. I was able to get away to Provincetown in Cape Cod to partake in the Carnival festivities. I highly recommend it for next year if you get the urge or opportunity to fly out from Seattle.
