Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Can You Believe?
We are coming to a close of yet another year and about to embark on a new one?  Wow!  This year has flown by.  Happy New Year Eve to all my peeps!!  
My Sis and I
Scanning old pics and came across this one of my sis and I in 1968....  Nice bow tie huh?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Mad TV - Gay Straight Guys

An oldie but goodie! I know some of us is happy with our football playoffs and bowls right now! Enjoy!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Goodbye Eartha
Eartha Kitt passed yesterday at I believe the age of 81.... I wanted to at least give her a mention....I loved her work and she was truly a family icon....may she rest in peace.  I just loved her stuff and just recently posted that song Cha Cha Heels she did with Bronski Beat.   Goodbye Ms Eartha Kitt  xoxoxoxo
Christmas Recap
Quad Riding in the snow and weeeeee for Wii

How is your Christmas celebrations going?  We are having a good one and I am glad we are off till Monday!  Here's a short recap before I head out the door to do some Xmas bargain shopping today!  X-mas eve was our traditional eve with my family and my sisters and bro and all of our hubbys and my nephews and nieces... We had truly great time and it was so special to all be together for the holiday....My mom was so happy and that was the main present to see her smile all night long...   Yesterday/Christmas day was a nice quiet day as we hung out at the house with the kids all day and exchanged gifts and gave our kids their presents.....So fun to watch the dogs open up the stockings...they then enjoy the bones and toys all day long.  Mama cat got some new toys and a new bed and is in fact glued to her new bed and has not wanted to get out of it it since receiving it from Santa yesterday.  She is an outdoor cat but has been in house this whole week due to the cold weather.  She and the dogs all sleep together and its so damm cute!

Last night we went to my sisters for Christmas day dinner as she and her BF Tony were making a big prime rib dinner and they wanted his and hers families to meet and so hosted dinner this year....What a great time we had!  They live in Renton not far from us and it was snowing all day here and there but it was snow o rama there as they are so close the mountains and passes.... I am glad we were able to even get there!  They have about 2 feet of the white stuff!   She and her BF Tony have a nice set up and he was able to snow plow an area for us as he has a bunch of tractor and such....lets just say he has LOTS of toys and all that---Good times!  We sat around the fireplace/pit in the snow-- danced and listened to live music as his family and friends are all musically gifted and they jammed on the electric guitar, drums, keys, etc-  we had live x mas music!   We all went out and took the quads out in the in the snow and I  tried not to scream too much around all the butch boys as we flew around in the snow!  Ate drank and was merry all evening!  The other highlight was being introduced to the Wii game system.......we haven't had the opportunity to play it yet and we had a great time playing that as well!   We all kept saying Weeeeeeeee for Wii.....and now the hubby really wants one....I do think I got a Wii injury though --- I woke up with a sore neck? and arm!   It was that or the quad riding.......oh well!  It was all so worth it!     Hope your Holiday is going well too!  :-)   Weeeee!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

White Christmas

Oldie but goodie..Not that I want a white Christmas as we have had enough of the white stuff already in Seattle! More snow falling again this morning! Uggggh!
But I do love this song! Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seasons Greetings
The holiday is officially here as tomorrow is Christmas eve......Merry Christmas to you!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

John Cherland
I was just in the mood for some meat and ran across this fine fellow and had to share....I really like alot....he is so my type......Magnificent indeed....Click on photos for an even closer and better look....

Artic Blizzard Blast Seattle

How many inched do you think this is above?  We have all been in this wonderful pattern of snow and freezin cold since Thursday..Here on some pics...
Front Gate

Front door..The stairs are covered....and wheres the walkway?

Drive way
Will catch up with you all soon after I thaw out a bit...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blast From the Past
Family Santa Photo
My family Santa photo-Myself with my 2 sisters and bro....Honolulu Hawaii circa 1971..... I think my sisters go go boots are quite cool...If I do remember correctly I wanted a pair too!
Mens Thermal Underwear
Is So Very HOT!

Do any of you find it all strange that I find thermals on a man so very sexy? I just love a guy in thermals!! It so super hero"ish" with that form fit..it makes me go crazy! But I guess it also stems from my days as a paper boy in Seattle as my buddies and I used to freeze our buns off and so we all wore thermals on our paper routes and if we had any outdoor sports to do as well during the winter months......So you catch my drift about buddies....you know about all those hot circle jerks and all that.....such good times! It was the 80's and we all wore thermals! We were cool rocker boys and would just wear our thermal tops to school which in those days were just the basic off white cream ones you got from K mart or Sears. Times have surely changed and now there are so many styles and colors to choose from. The hubby and I still wear them alot during the winter months......We layer them-- I know how butch.....or wear them on own....In fact I just got a new shirt over the weekend from Target! I love the new lightweight ones and got a new black one...its so slimming too! LOL.... Anyways.... here is a tribute photo post of thermal heaven for you and mostly ME! Thermals are just so butch!! I Love it!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Its Colder Than A Witches Tit In A Brass Bra 
in Seattle this week......

So It hasn't been this cold in the Pacific Northwest in 18 years and we are breaking all the records with this deep freeze we are currently freezing our buns off in........We had a big snow this last weekend and that has now turned into solid ice on the roads- highways and on my house......We are pretty much encased in ice in Seattle..... So we boys are fricken cold over here fellas!!  And yes I know some of you live in this kind of cold during the winter may be laughing at me but this is really unusual for us.....Brrrrrr!!   I really need some heat and it doesn't look like any warmth is on the forecast anytime soon...  Anyone find long johns sexy? Maybe I should post a pic of me in them as that is the wardrobe and outfit choice of the week that's for sure! 
My First Christmas Gift of 2008
A BIG THANK YOU to Kevin at the lisp.....for thinking of me and my kids and sending me this lovely virtual Christmas gift...A Bauhaus inspired doggie bed...So cute!!  Ruff!!  We all like it...You are very sweet!  xoxoxox  Hugs and Licks!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

25 Days of Christmas: A Miser Brothers Christmas Song

Look like our/my favorite fellas the brothers Miser have a brand new Christmas Special on Tomorrow night!!! Set your DVR's and Tivos! I just love these guys!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Questions, Thoughts, and HOT Men......

So with depression comes erratic post from me......too bummed to write much but....

Phelps...so do you think its hot? Would you hit it?... I would
I am so home sick...Any beach and or warm weather would be nice right now-- this handsome chap in his orange swim trunks makes me wanna hit the beach soon...heck, who am I kidding..how about right now.... I need to make this happen soon -- I just know it will help with this funk mood! Am I a dirty old man since I think Zac Efron is hot as hell? Oh heck-- Im a dirty old man and I have come to accept that!
Do I care that these nude photos of gossip boy Chase circulating the net are fake...not much...I actually enjoy them ..fake or no fake....HOT!
Speaking of hot...can this man please give me a call? This would be a TOTAL cure to this funky depression....
Super Cute!
Matteo and Valentino Martin I have always loved Ricky-- Here he is with with his twins Matteo and Valentino...Are they not so SUPER adorable!!! If the hubby and I had the funds we would have a set of twins too! 2 little boys would be so awesome.....So while I am in this dream world can I add a hot Nanny as well please.....

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Mt Rainiers Cool Show Last Friday
Take a look at some of these incredible clouds captured over Mt. Rainier here last Friday. It's usually a sign of rain within 24 hours because typically the moist flow that precedes a storm around here is the perfect set up for these clouds. I guess these are called "lenticular clouds" and they are caused when the air flow is just right so when it flows over Mt. Rainier, the air gets pushed upward where it cools and condenses into clouds. Depending on how smooth the flow is, you can get some amazing clouds formations as we' were able to see on last Friday......I was so busy And I didnt get a chance to post these till now...Pretty cool eh?

Big Girl LOLA
Today is Lolas first official groom and haircut.....she is such the sweetie and I hope she behaves-- She is such the wiggy worm when it comes to baths so it might be a challenge to the groomer. She hates the water being splashed on her in the beginning to get her wet and then at the end for the rinse cycle......but doesn't seem to mind the shampoo part or the blow dry.......she just hates the water part.......she runs around the tub like a crazy dog and its quite funny! She then has a Friday apt for her "fix" with the vet.....Poor little dear! I know she will hate that! So will I.....She is so little! She really has turned into quite the little gem and we are glad she is part of our family. She has been at home with us for about 5 months now and she gets along super with the other 2 kids and they all have such a good time...She keeps them on their toes! Lola has such a sweet disposition...I think she takes after me.....

Female Trouble - and Dawns Xmas Present...Goota love Divine!!!  Now I have to go download the song by Eartha Kitt and Bronski Beat....

Friday, December 05, 2008

JP Calderon

Just some HOTNESS of JP Calderon to get us ready for our weekend.

Happy BIRTHDAY To my Kids!

Today 12-5 is my 2 kids-- Maile and Alikas 7th Birthday! I am going to get them some nice new bones on the way home today and they will get a special soft can food dinner..they are going to live large tonite!!

Alika Boy

Maile Girl

Another Day Of Survival

So another day on the job and another weekend is about to start...thank heavens, I am so ready for it....Work has been really difficult as there has been lots of lay offs and alot of stress in the office. It seems not a day goes by that you have a feeling they may let you go. They have been advising us that we are the skeleton crew that they HOPE will get the company through the storm....But then each day you notice one less person that has been release of there duties. Pretty soon there wont be any workers. We are all pulling 3 jobs at once with the small crew we have left.... So it has been a strange and sad time for me at work. I keep telling myself that what happens, happens and that I will survive as I am a survivor but it still eats at your nerves a bit. I talked to a friend that works for one of the school districts in the area and if something does happen I will be headed to a school/govt job......My career and time in the retail, sales and travel arena might be just coming to an end soon.....

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Hubby has been on my case to get the Christmas lights up for a couple of weeks now. They are up now and for some reason I am getting the silent treatment.....

Seriously though saw this and had to laugh....I don't know why but usually I have Christmas all up and decorated by the weekend after Thanksgiving. I just don't seem to be in the mood at all this year which is a very strange for me and a first as I am such a spaz when it come to holiday decor! Hubby did put the lights around the roof of the house over the weekend--some snazzy multi colored led ones...it looks like a rainbow-- how appropriate huh? but that is all we have done........I think we may do a little bit this weekend but really not nearly as much as we normally do. Do we have to do a tree? Im not sure I want to go through the trouble....I am just not in the spirit to haul all of it out and then due to the short window it will seem like we put it up and then it comes right back down since we are only 3 weeks shy of the holiday... Boy.... something is wrong when I don't want to decorate... I think I need a decor intervention from someone....Does any of you know Preston from Top Design? Send him over ..I bet he can somehow persuade me to get cracking with the x-mas spirit and revive my spirits....
Gay Penguins Steal Eggs From Straight Couples

Source Telegraph.co.uk

Good stuff! Check out the story if you havent read it already.... Cute! :-)

The two penguins have started placing stones at the feet of parents before waddling away with their eggs, in a bid to hide their theft.
But the deception has been noticed by other penguins at the zoo, who have ostracised the gay couple from their group. Now keepers have decided to segregate the pair of three-year-old male birds to avoid disrupting the rest of the community during the hatching season.
A keeper at Polar Land in Harbin, north east China explained that the gay couple had the natural urge to become fathers, despite their sexuality.
"One of the responsibilities of being a male adult is looking after the eggs. Despite this being a biological impossibility for this couple, the natural desire is still there," a keeper told the Austrian Times newspaper.
"It's not discrimination. We have to fence them separately, otherwise the whole group will be disturbed during hatching time," he added.
There are numerous examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom, but gay penguins have captured the public's attention more than any other species.
A German zoo provoked outrage from gay lobby groups after attempting to mate a group of gay male penguins with Swedish female birds who were flown in especially to seduce them. But the project was abandoned after the males refused to be "turned", showing no interest in their would-be mates.
In 2002 a couple of penguins at a New York zoo who had been together for eight years were "outed" when keepers noticed that they were both males
12/10 Day W/O Gays

Is anyone out there going to participate in this? I haven't heard or seen much hype about it and thus I don't think it will be very successful-- But I do hope it is. I am just not really financially fit to take a day off right now-- well I can use a personal day so maybe I will just take a day off.... ....I will definitely have to think about this one. I sure do want to call in gay though..that would be fun.......I am on the fence on this one...will have to see.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Today is World AIDS Day-- the 20th anniversary. We all have lost too many dear friends and family to this. It hard to believe and think back to when this epidemic first started. We can only hope that as time goes onthat we are hopefully getting closer to a cure. Keep the promise...