Friday, June 26, 2009

Seattle Pride 2009
My weekend pride plate is full!

Its Gay Pride Weekend in Seattle!!! Lots going on this weekend for me!! So start your engines! Tonight we start of the weekend with a BBQ which should be a blast! Get to see old friends and just party and chillax! Its going to be a mix of old co workers and friends so it should be lots of fun. Tomorrow was suppose to be a day to relax and then this came up --The Capitol Hill Pride Festival and its the REAL PRIDE if you ask me and I am super duper fricken excited!!!! Since doing many many prides as a young lad in Seattle--my first pride was 1986 thank you....times have sure changed and we all know it .....those of us that have been around many prides know what I am taking for Seattle it used to be in what was the Gay Ghetto- at least that's what we called the area known as Capitol Hill......Well a few years ago the venue changed and since it had outgrew Capitol Hill for the parade and festival at Volunteer Park they moved the parade downtown and festival to Seattle Center....This was so more people could celebrate and it would be more of a family event and all that-- more mainstream you know. Well that didnt and doesn't sit well with all in the gay community as some think it has changed for the worst and we lost OUR celebration....Which I can understand as we all know as we have changed and grew and our gay communities, identities and just the whole culture is changing and evolving with the world nowadays. Anyhow... I like many really miss the old days and this festival is going to fill that void of what is USED to be like at a pride--- Its going to be so fun.... Ongina and Shannel will be performing-- doggie drag show----and lots of hot boys...and its on the hill!! perfect!!! Most of the straights will be at Sundays events which is fine....

So Sunday we will still be doing the parade still...but we will skip the festival at the Seattle Center... The girls are having a big ol gay BBQ blast at the house on Sunday night and that should be a perfect finale to a big ol gay weekend.....Phew...I am going to need my energy! So happy pride to all! Will catch you on the other side of this rainbow of a weekend!! xoxoxox

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Smoking HOT Dude!
and my Weekend Update

Happy Gay Pride...Its pride week here in Seattle! Whoo hoo! Now this is what I am talking about......HOLY SMOKES!!! this man is too hot for words....pure hotness and sex! Hubba Hubba Hubba! I wanted to post his.....uhem....But I will send it to you uppon request if you want that...

So its already been a busy week and so my post might be a little scarce but I will try ( yes Arnie....I will try to do better) Had a nice weekend as we dog sat our gal pals two cute Havensese dogs-- Miso and Juku and so we had a real dog house with 5 critters running around all weekend......that was super fun...So we pretty much stayed in and did stuff around the house and yard most of the weekend Watched some good movies as we had free HBO and Showtime over the weekend which was perfect timing! I did go out and get True Blood season one which was released last week and loved it!!! We got through 6 of the 12 episodes and it was really good and I am a major fan....It reminds me of an adult Twlight....I loved it....

We did happen to go out on Saturday night for a bon voyage for my nephew Dustin who will be leaving for boot camp today in Virginia...he joined the Coast Guard..... It was a fun night as we got to see lots of family and friends-- it was sad too as it hard to say goodbye to our boy but we know it will be great for him. He is going to be 21 in August...gosh where has the time gone? I know my sister is going to be a basket case today as that is her darling boy.....I will call her tonite to check in that's for sure.......
Mr Bear Grylls
A New Hot Find....
Well new to me at least....So who is this Bear Grylls? And what is this show Man vs Wild? Any fans out there?......well this Bear fella has certainly has me take notice....hes very cute....I have a slight thing for guys like this--Just like my thing for Jeff Corwin....Looks like I may need to set my DVR to this show.....
Looks like Hawaii on this one...


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Covers....
Love the summertime...Lots of mag covers of hot boys and men in our new stands....thought I would share a few that caught my attention last night while at the grocery store. I didn't use the express lane as I picked the longest line with the lady who had her cart piled high with shit and a runny nosed kid in the front seat...she also paid with food stamps....BONUS time! It was perfect as I was able to thumb through them and check out all the pretty pics....he he he....Ryan Reynolds on the top with his hard bod and cute as ever Chance Crawford below.

Ruuuum ruuum ruuum.....Love the motorcycle look....such a pretty boy! Good lord!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Seattle Dry Spell Continues...
Can u believe this? No complaints from me.....And please no comments from the peanut gallery of rain lovers......

Today We have a few random showers around western Washington early today but keep in mind most areas across western Washington from the Canadian border to Oregon will stay dry. However, there is still a chance we could see some wet spots later today. The best chance for some showers later today will be at the coast and over the central Puget Sound region in the Puget Sound Convergence Zone.

Dry Stretch Record If the showers miss Sea-Tac then we will tie the record for the most consecutive dry days for the months of May and June. Tuesday was the 28th straight dry day at Sea-Tac. We are now 2nd on the list for May and June dry spells. The longest dry stretch in May and June is 29 days and if we stay dry today that will be day 29. The longest stretch of dry weather at Sea-Tac for any period is 51 days. This occurred in July and August of 1951.

Extended If the convergence zone sets up today it may linger into Thursday morning then a weak area of high pressure will be with us for a mainly dry afternoon with more sunshine. With a little bit of luck this drier weather could last into Friday. A trough of low pressure will move over the region for the weekend bringing an even better chance for some rain showers.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Father Lover (Mother Lover spoof)

Its almost fathers day....Happy Daddys day to all! This is pretty funny!

Tuesday Thoughts
Just loved the photo spread in this months OUT Magazine.... Called Wish You Were Here---they have some exclusive web shots too! It makes me want to jump in a hammock and relax in the nice summer breeze....So its only Tuesday--hurry up week! And its another sunny warm day in Seattle-- I think this is like the 30th day of no rain for us here....Very strange, but NO complaints! I am at the J-O-B.....Sales are picking up and I am happy people are starting to take vacations again...The sales climate has changed whereas they book closer in now and also EVERYONE wants a deal....Sometimes I have to deal with a travel agent from the depths of hell. I swear some of them think this is like swap meet or something these days where they you can wheel and deal....I cant wait for this to change......Had a bad day at work yesterday-- I started my day with a screaming bitch on telephone and ended my day with another screaming crotch on the telephone again!!! The middle of the day went well...TG! I told the hubby last night that I was sick of women-- well just bitchy ones!!! LOL I wish I could just slap bitchy girls...whack...shut the fuck up you bitch!! Sorry....but sometimes I can be kinda brutal and blunt. I am just so over the whole drama and bitch and insecurities that seems to go hand and hand with a lot of women.....I am sorry as I really don't mean to generalize but I am over it....I am sure if today is a good day with some sweet gals and nice ladies I will be all better...I have just been getting a bummer crop of the female race lately.....
Has any of you seen the new show Cake Boss? I love this new show...The cakes he designs and creates are awesome! Do check it out if you get a chance....Very fun show....It has only aired 2 or 3 episodes so far......Last night he had a bridezilla-- now she was a first class bitch....I wanted to slap her into another state....OK...... I think I need a break from most of the female race......LOL!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Laughter and Goodtimes!
With the Hubby

Jeff and I hamming it up for the camera...

Like my Flower Pot?

Took this pic on Sat my flower pot? I do notice I need to work on my summer tan...I think this is the lightest I have been in any summer! I am happy to give my skin some rest from the harmful effects of the sun.....But man I am "Shark Bait".....that's what we used to call the fair skinned folks back in Hawaii... Maybe I need to go get a spray tan at least....Isn't the pot coming along nice? I started it with all little starts in April.... and with this nice weather it is just going nutso! How gay is this with me and my flowers? I know very!! he he he -- One below is me chilling after a long day in the yard and a few strong cocktails!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joe Jonas Dances to Single Ladies

First Justin Timberlake does it on SNL now Joe Jonas...Ah ha ha ...Ok boys.....Lets just say we our touched you are in tune with your girlie go boy....I mean guurl!...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy 2009 Gay Pride Weekend Portland!

Happy Gay Pride to my neighbors in Oregon! A very special shout out to my brothers in Portland.. Derek, Arnie, Stephen, Larry, Jim, and Bryan....I kinda want to hit the road tonite and get out of Seattle and do pride with you this weekend!
Kellan Lutz
My Favorite Twilight Boy!

Hottie Kellan...thought we all needed a nice Friday eye gasim...In his white wife beater tank...can you see me swooning from wear you sit? Such a handsome gent indeed! The hubby sent this over with just this as a caption-----YUM! Boy no doubt about that....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Monday, June 08, 2009

Jump For Joy
Its MONDAY....
NOT! I am a bit tired today...had a semi busy weekend-- more tired as I was up late last night watching some rental movies.... so no jumping around much today......just slowly sliding into my Monday with ease.....I thought Jakub Stefano and a strip tease was much more fun this morning....

Friday, June 05, 2009

Happy National Doughnut Day
Hubby reminded me that today is National Doughnut Day and so brought me a doughnut from Top Pot doughnuts this morning...Yum!

National Donut Day is on the first Friday of June each year. The holiday celebrates the doughnut (a.k.a "donut") — an edible, ring-shaped piece of dough which is deep-fried and sweetened. Many American doughnut stores offer free doughnuts on National Doughnut Day. In 2009, both independent doughnut shops[1] and large national franchises offered free doughnuts in the United States.

National Doughnut Day started in 1938 as a fund raiser for the Chicago Salvation Army. Their goal was to help the needy during the Great Depression, and to honor the Salvation Army "Lassies" of World War I, who served doughnuts to soldiers behind the front lines in France.
Lookout Weekend Cause Here I Come..
Because Weekends Were Made for FUN!
We have been enjoying a sunny few weeks in Seattle---Yes WEEKS! I know shut up!! The last few days it even hovered around 90 degrees!! Hot! And they say we can maybe expect a sunny weekend in the 70's... Nice!

So here is my fave look to sport when the weather is fine and dandy....I love to put on a cute tank, some faves are a few I picked up at Old Navy that are a bit longer then this fellas-- but I do wear short trunk when I hit the beach or lake...No surf trunks for me-- Unless I go to some breader function.... and of course a fave pair of slippahs! (what I believe you all call flip flops). My hubby and I own about 15 pairs each...yes each....LOL.....It reminds me of Hawaii when I get to run around town like this! So comfortable!

I do hope you all have a great weekend! We have no plans really....Maybe some yard work...go see mother....Have a few cocktails....Go to the farmers market....BBQ....Just chill! So lookout weekend cause here I cum! he he he.....

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Congrats to Branden Rickman
Congrats to Branden Rickman....3 very hot and sweet guys in the final last night and they will all go on to become male supermodels! Good Ol boy from Oregon wins! Love ya Branden! You rocked the end photo shoot! Best recap and lots of photos here as always from Tom and Lorenzo!
Taylor Lautners Big Bottle
Glaceau Vitamin Water Rules!

So part of me getting fit and all that nonsense to shed some weight was to give up/cut back all the sodas and switch to water. So I was drinking my Propel and fruit juices as I HATE plain water-- I have to be as thirsty as a camel to enjoy water and it has to be ice cold and something like Dasani brand (Sorry no cheapo brands for me as I think they taste like chlorine) Then mother told me about Vitamin Water.......WOW! I love it! They are yummy and I like alot of the flavors! Its been my savior to stop the Cokes and Pepsi's

Now this is something Mr David Dust brought to my attention today.... I still think the Twilight Boys are taking over the world as per my post yesterday but I had to post this pic of Taylor Lautner.....Looks like he likes these vitamins waters too! His bottle looks yummy! I want to take a sip off his big bottle! Told you I love the stuff! I just cant get enough! he he he

Click to Enlarge you'll see what I mean

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Kellan Lutz
Hot Hunk Pick In Twilight

Hot boys of Twilight are taking over the planet!!! While all of you out there and all the fish...oops I mean girls swoon over Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson-- I will be a swooner over Kellan Lutz! He was out with the doggie a few days ago.....ruff ruff!

Bite ME!

I Heart Vanessa Williams
New CD Drop- The Real Thing

Her new CD dropped yesterday...The Real Thing! It is our gal Wilhelmina Slater's first album in four years and it I hear it has touches of jazz, samba, salsa, pop and R&B on this one.... I forgot to download it last night and cant wait to get to it tonite...I hope its good! I love me some Vanessa! Her other cds are on my I pod play list----In fact I think Val and I just belted out the The Right Stuff Baby this last Saturday night after a few cocktails! LOL

Doesnt she look cute at yesterdays drop event? She looks so good as ever!


As the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots comes around, we gays are ready to celebrate and commemorate and of course party! And this year it isnt just the big cities that are whoppin it up as this year there are many smaller towns that are joining in the fun which is so AWESOME!!.
Here is a link to hundreds of parades, marches and festivals that will take place in the coming months.

Its about time-I had a feeling he would say something since he has all the gays and supporters in an uproar over his silence over the whole gay right issues lately.......Haven't we always HAD gay pride month? I guess it is nice that he is recognizing it....But we all know why....You don't fool us Mr Obama...

US President Obama issued a LGBT Pride Month proclamation to on June 1, 2009. The Proclamation comes on the 40th anniversary of Stonewall:"Forty years ago, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York City resisted police harassment that had become all too common for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community. Out of this resistance, the LGBT rights movement in America was born. During LGBT Pride Month, we commemorate the events of June 1969 and commit to achieving equal justice under law for LGBT Americans."Here is the complete proclamation (PDF).