Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Take your pick...

You all know my pick from previous post...They both are good but my that Harry......look how he looks at cha!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

JFK JR- The Tease-
Im not surprised on this at all...

June 11, 2007 -- A LACK of latex kept Madonna and John F. Kennedy Jr. from a full-blown sex romp in a no-tell motel one night, a new bio claims.
In "American Legacy," one of JFK Jr.'s closest pals from Brown University, Rob Littell, tells author C. David Heymann that during the summer of 1988, Kennedy and the Material Girl stopped off at a "cheap, dinky" Chicago hotel for a secret rendezvous during which they planned to finally go all the way.
"They were working their way around the bases, and as they rounded third and headed for home, she asked him if he had any protection. He didn't, so now they began discussing how they were going to get a hold of a prophylactic," Littell tells the author.
"She was still legally married to Sean Penn, and he had a steady girlfriend . . . They were afraid of being busted. They couldn't very well just meander into a pharmacy and ask for a pack of Trojans. They were too well known . . . To John's great chagrin, the relationship was never completed."
Another claim in the book, sure to infuriate the Kennedy clan and their friends who believe Heymann's sources are dubious, is that JFK Jr. had numerous bisexual encounters.
Transsexual Warhol superstar Holly Woodlawn, who met the hunk at Studio 54, tells the author: "I know he was attracted to me because when we danced he played with my a - - and stuff. He kissed me on the dance floor, and I kissed him back."
Another acquaintance, French physical therapist Jean Christian Massard, who went clubbing with JFK Jr. in the late '80s, claims, "He confided - and I believed him - that he'd had several flings with men."
Heymann also recounts an alleged one-hour encounter John-John had with a hooker named April Showers at the Four Seasons in Los Angeles on May 30, 1991, after he was unable to hook up with Darryl Hannah and called an escort service.
"He was pretty frustrated and had a good time. He gave me a nice tip," Showers says. "As I was about to leave, he said, 'If I ever run for president, don't pop out of the woodwork on me - you could cost me votes.' 'Don't worry,' I replied. 'My lips are sealed.'

Taken from the NEW YORK POST


Monday, June 11, 2007


Friday, June 08, 2007


This should be the picture of the year-- Hilton calls out MOM as she is taken from court kicking and screaming on her way back to the big house....Sorry this is so funny!!!!

Boys will be Boys

What a Hot Mess!

Ok..so isn't this embarrassing? Is this really news? I was at work yesterday and I get daily news flashes from our local news (KIRO)... you know if war breaks out- someone like a president dies...Traffic jam due to a major crash that has fatalities- A tornado or tsunami hits....etc...But lately news stations and such report on entertainment news alot! I thought it was weird when breaking news was Anna Nicole's death- but Paris gets released from jail? Don't get me wrong-- love entertainment news!! But this is a hot mess..this is the number one story across the globe..I cant believe the media attention this is getting....What are we turning into? I think its sad and scary...

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Seattle Gay Pride 2007- Time to rub the tarnish off your tiara's and put on your best skivvies..Or whatever your pride ritual is...its time to PRIDE...I really wanted to go to SFO for pride and also so I could meet and see all you fellow bloggers but I wont be able to make it to the Annual Gay Summit II...I hope you all have a blast! I will be at Seattle's bankrupt pride.....Just kidding...I just hope they get those financials under control....Read a interesting statistic in the Seattle Metro Mag yesterday as I was sitting in the dentist office...1/3 of Seattle's metro area attend the Gay pride parade.... Seattle is so fricken gay..love it! See ya there..I will be in my new baby blue and white undies and cowboy boots! Yahoo!


So summer is right around the corner!…We have been lucky so far as Seattle has had some nice weather these last few weeks—It was hi 70’s low 80’s all weekend and last week…..It funny to see all these Washingtonians with some color. My favorite time of year and Jeff and I have been busy with the yard…..Its coming along well and we got some new flowers and plants--we pretty much have a lot of perennials that come back and give you more bang for your buck…Got some great hibicus plants which remind us of our homes--Jeff of Cali and myself Hawaii--So between the yard, home improvements, getting the house ready for Jeff’s aunts (who is moving in for a few months to get a start in Seattle- oh horray horray-not!), the kids (our Shih Tzus Maile and Alika), graduations, the ever important cocktail hours—well.... I could go on and on….Anyhow theres just no time to blog or gossip….But when I do have time I do visit all the other blogs I enjoy---They are listed on the right...I guess I am just in a major blogging slump….Maybe I will pull out of this slump soon. Gosh no time no time…