Monday, February 26, 2007

Cameron Diaz in
Origami Dress

This made me laugh!! so I thought I would pass it along...Her dress was not good at last night Oscars....
Looks like Cameron's supertanned Oscar skin wasn't from an L.A. tanning salon-but from the Hawaiian sun itself The hotbod actress spent a few days in her bathing suit, prancing around paradise pre-awards night with pal Drew Barrymore to celebrate Drew's 32nd Birthday.She should have worn this bikini to the Oscars instead of what she did wear -- that unraveling roll of origami toilet paper from the Shanghai Hilton.

1 comment:

Eddie said...

I agree. It wasn't the most horrid dress, but it did look sorta paper-ish... lol.

Not sure if you've seen the shots of Cameron and Drew smoking weed a few days ago, but I'd have to chalk it up to her smokefest as the reasoning behind the dress choice... LMAO.

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