Friday, February 22, 2008

Sexy Sexy Sexy
Mr McCain!
Ok so last week I posted pics of Hills and Obammer-- and I said I would dance with Oba and smoke a nice fat joint with Hills.... Now check out McCain in his younger days......what a stud! I think hes rather hot...

Guess its my life story...I party and hang with the liberals and democrats and love to fool around and do the nasty with conservative republicans--its true you know...they are wild ones!


A Lewis said...

Can I be included?

Mark in DE said...

He did look hot back in the day. Pretty amazing.

Mark :-)

M- Filer said...

oh God, don't even get me started!

I am so attracted to fundementalist Christian right-wing conservative Republicans...until they open their big stupid mouths, they can be so hot.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I couldn't post that pic, he looks too normal, dare I say good. I had to find the goofball oafish pic :)

Nice to see StevieB said...

I like the cigs. and ashtray very "Wild at heart"