Monday, September 08, 2008

Dark Night
Can you BELIEVE I havent seen it yet?

I swear I am the only bloke that hasn't seen this movie yet.  Have you see it? Now if he looked a
as HOT as this dude above I would of probaly already saw it! HA!  But in all seriousness I can not believe that I have not got my tush into a theater all summer!  Fall and winters knocking on the door and that's movie house time for me......It was STILL the number 2 movie this last weekend at the box office so I think we still have time....


Mark in DE said...

I saw it, and it was good, but didn't quite live up to the media hype. Don't kill yourself to get to the theatre. Wait about a month and it will come out on Netflix.

Mark :-)

Tony said...

Nope, not me either and I don't have any intention of seeing it ....

Greg said...

If Christian Bale had stripped to just that in the movie, I would have seen it more than once!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic!!!!

You're not alone, I haven't gotten around to it either.

Rick said...

Just 2 or 3 weeks ago. I'm glad I saw it on the big screen and you will be too.