Monday, September 21, 2009

A Warm Sandy Beach Is Calling My Name..
Vacation time needed!

I need a holiday...A vacation...I think we need need to get away.....and a white sandy beach in Hawaii is calling our names...BIG TIME!


Anonymous said...

Take me too! Take me too!

Princessa lil mexico said...

I will be more than happy to go with you! John and watch the dogs!

Anonymous said...

that water looks gorgeous

MAC said...

I'm right there with ya. I so need a vacation!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had the power to teleport.

Rick said...

I was thinking snow but white sand will do nicely. Have fun!

Ray's Cowboy said...

I would love to go with you, maybe just a bit. When you go have a GREAT and wonderful time.

Mark in DE said...

I've never been to Hawaii, despite the fact that I've wanted to go since I was a kid. Maybe next year!