Love this dong... lets put our dancing heels on and bust a move shall we? TiK ToK - Keisha - Official Music Video - ( HQ )
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Kellan Lutz and Calvin Klein
How perfect!
Rumor has it that Kellan Lutz has signed on to become Calvin Klein's newest underwear model. Whoo Hoo!! Funny how I just talked about Calvin Klein and you all know my dire love for Kellan as from here, here, here, here, here and here!....Rad homo has always been so team Kellan..... This is good news indeed if its true!
How perfect!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Its Been A VERY LONG week......
Hasnt it been long?.....and its not the good kind of long! Like a nice pair of long johns!! And its only Thursday! So yes...I am still on this long john thermal kick....It seems the media is all over it too these days....I have seen a number of post and story's on long johns the last few days.....Hmmmm.....Below is one of my fave guys on the planet! Mr Kellan you all know I have always been on TEAM KELLAN while the rest of the world is Team Taylor and Team whatever his name is.....Robert? anyhow if you ask me that Robert kinda looks like he would smell.....just saying....
Anyhow bonus pic below of Kellan that has surfaced in all the A list blogs and such the last few days....Time to post it on my D list blog....LOL! I do wish the girl wasn't in the pic but seeing Kellan in his long johns is well worth it.......

Anyhow bonus pic below of Kellan that has surfaced in all the A list blogs and such the last few days....Time to post it on my D list blog....LOL! I do wish the girl wasn't in the pic but seeing Kellan in his long johns is well worth it.......
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Santa's Watching You.....
Have you all been naughty? We all know our Santa doesn't mind if we are a bit naughty.....Ho hum its only fricken Wednesday...Now I know why its called hump day....after today the week should go faster! So the weather here is gray and rain....what I like to call Seattle doom and gloom weather and I think it has alot to do with the mood and how many people I have run into that this week that are a bit down and or tired this week.....except of course all the lucky bastards that are not working or already on holiday break... You know who you are....Why don't you please just shut your cheery ass pie holes!
Bitter party of one.... the phone is ringing......Bitter Rad homo answer the phone!! LOL
I do hope the weather improves for the holidays-- it will be good to have some sunshine and light.....I would much rather have last weeks bun numbing cold weather with sun then this gray "rain world" we currently have. One good thing about this weather is its perfect for getting rest and I have been getting lots of rest! This will be great as we have ALOT going on in the next few weeks so I will be rested up ready to go!
Ok.... so I just wanted to send you a reminder that Santa is watching.....Well someone is....if not let me know as I would be happy to watch you if needed! I do love a good show! And I am sure most of you put on some good ones too! :-) ho ho ho!
Bitter party of one.... the phone is ringing......Bitter Rad homo answer the phone!! LOL
I do hope the weather improves for the holidays-- it will be good to have some sunshine and light.....I would much rather have last weeks bun numbing cold weather with sun then this gray "rain world" we currently have. One good thing about this weather is its perfect for getting rest and I have been getting lots of rest! This will be great as we have ALOT going on in the next few weeks so I will be rested up ready to go!
Ok.... so I just wanted to send you a reminder that Santa is watching.....Well someone is....if not let me know as I would be happy to watch you if needed! I do love a good show! And I am sure most of you put on some good ones too! :-) ho ho ho!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another Monday
Mondays really suck don't they? Its hard to get going today knowing I have a fricken full work week ahead and its already kinda slow in my biz these it me or does it seem like alot of folks are already in holiday mode this year. Seems like people have already checked out and are on vacation mode lucky!.....Me not so lucky :-(
Andrew Stetson is one of my fave models out there and I thought we needed some of his hotness for our Monday... the dude is always one hot number... Thanks Andrew.....I already feel a little bit better already!
Well hope all is well out there in blogger land.......How was your weekend? Had a pretty good one here.....Now lets just hope this week goes by really fast so we can get to next weekend quickly.....

Andrew Stetson is one of my fave models out there and I thought we needed some of his hotness for our Monday... the dude is always one hot number... Thanks Andrew.....I already feel a little bit better already!
Well hope all is well out there in blogger land.......How was your weekend? Had a pretty good one here.....Now lets just hope this week goes by really fast so we can get to next weekend quickly.....
Friday, December 11, 2009
Happy Friday Bitches!
As you all know already I am a total thermal lova and its still very much the attire these days here in the Northwest! It was about 18 degrees this am when we left for work....Brrrrrrr....This pic of Craig Malozzi in his thermal pant does help get the temperature rising though....thanks to photographer Kristopher Kelly for this one...
So whats going on with you all this weekend? We are watching our good friends doogies while they are on a quick weekend getaway so we will have 2 additional kids ( 2 adorable Havanese Juku and Miso) along with our 3 kiddums! So we are in for the weekend with 5 kids running around....We also will have our 13 year old nephew spending the its going to be a stay at home and hang out kind of weekend Dusitn just turned 13 a few weeks ago so we are having a boys weekend....Movies, food, video games should be lots of fun and we enjoy his company....we may venture out tonite or tomorrow and go check out some Christmas lights.....We invited my ma and pa (as my mom loves to go "look at lights") I told her they can choose the night and we can pile in he car and drive around looking at all the neighborhood light displays while listening to Christmas music and sipping hot coco form our thermas........They say SNOW maybe something to expect this weekend so it will be a good weekend for us to put on our thermals, put on a fire and hang out in the Rad Homo cabin! Stop by if you get a chance!
Here a pic of our nephew Dustin....I took the other night-- he and his hot coco! Its so crazy that he is 13!

So whats going on with you all this weekend? We are watching our good friends doogies while they are on a quick weekend getaway so we will have 2 additional kids ( 2 adorable Havanese Juku and Miso) along with our 3 kiddums! So we are in for the weekend with 5 kids running around....We also will have our 13 year old nephew spending the its going to be a stay at home and hang out kind of weekend Dusitn just turned 13 a few weeks ago so we are having a boys weekend....Movies, food, video games should be lots of fun and we enjoy his company....we may venture out tonite or tomorrow and go check out some Christmas lights.....We invited my ma and pa (as my mom loves to go "look at lights") I told her they can choose the night and we can pile in he car and drive around looking at all the neighborhood light displays while listening to Christmas music and sipping hot coco form our thermas........They say SNOW maybe something to expect this weekend so it will be a good weekend for us to put on our thermals, put on a fire and hang out in the Rad Homo cabin! Stop by if you get a chance!
Here a pic of our nephew Dustin....I took the other night-- he and his hot coco! Its so crazy that he is 13!

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Calvin Klein-
Always SO GOOD...
Remember this ad? Some of you-- well most of you are most likely too young to recall this one....To me its one pic that help start the whole underwear for men revolution in ads and print and such........Well some would argue that it was the Jim Palmer Underwear ads as well that really changed the landscape so to speak...and that did as well...But this was more my speed in the 1980's and really got us boys going! Times have sure changed and it has exploded with men in underwear and so much more all over the media and on this inter net thing and on and on and on.....Back in the day you had to go into your Sears or JC Penny catalog to look at the guys in underwear. Can you imagine...hey don't knock it it wasn't so bad....LOL
Well I have always enjoyed Calvin Klein's work from Marky Mark to Antonio Sabato....this list can go on and on when it comes to men in CK underwears and ads.... CK does a good job with all they do and there is a new ad out that was in my Dec issue OUT magazine and it just gives me a nice the pants! It isn't an underwear ad but gosh darnitt....this is one handsome devil indeed! I just love Calvin Klein and who they choose for male models..... I want a life size poster of this one in my locker please...Im in love with this guy...
Always SO GOOD...
Well I have always enjoyed Calvin Klein's work from Marky Mark to Antonio Sabato....this list can go on and on when it comes to men in CK underwears and ads.... CK does a good job with all they do and there is a new ad out that was in my Dec issue OUT magazine and it just gives me a nice the pants! It isn't an underwear ad but gosh darnitt....this is one handsome devil indeed! I just love Calvin Klein and who they choose for male models..... I want a life size poster of this one in my locker please...Im in love with this guy...
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
I am sorry to say this but....
Do NOT give a dime to the Salvation Army this holiday season
Do NOT give a dime to the Salvation Army this holiday season - instead, give to another pro-gay charity, like Big Brothers, Big Sisters.
SALVATION ARMY IS A FAR-RIGHT EVANGELICAL CHURCHThe Salvation Army is anti-gay and actively lobbies against pro-gay legislation in the US and abroad (I provide lots of evidence for this below). The money you put in that red can is going to anti-gay evangelical Christian lobbyists. They believe that since they're a "church" they have the right to not hire gay people because we're sinners. Great, well this sinner gives his money to real charities this holiday seasons, and not to anti-gay evangelical churches who lobby the White House and foreign governments to take our rights away (see articles below).
GIVE THE SALVATION ARMY THESE VOUCHERS INSTEADThe pro-gay religious group Soulforce has made vouchers available that you can drop in the Salvation Army drop boxes instead of cash.
Read more here...
Do NOT give a dime to the Salvation Army this holiday season

SALVATION ARMY IS A FAR-RIGHT EVANGELICAL CHURCHThe Salvation Army is anti-gay and actively lobbies against pro-gay legislation in the US and abroad (I provide lots of evidence for this below). The money you put in that red can is going to anti-gay evangelical Christian lobbyists. They believe that since they're a "church" they have the right to not hire gay people because we're sinners. Great, well this sinner gives his money to real charities this holiday seasons, and not to anti-gay evangelical churches who lobby the White House and foreign governments to take our rights away (see articles below).
GIVE THE SALVATION ARMY THESE VOUCHERS INSTEADThe pro-gay religious group Soulforce has made vouchers available that you can drop in the Salvation Army drop boxes instead of cash.
Read more here...
Friday, December 04, 2009
Its been a "BEAR" of a week...
And not a good BEAR like the one above.....Lets just say I am so dang glad Friday is here! Nada planned for the weekend...well we have stuff going on just no plans cemented or committed too....I feel like laying around all weekend with a fire and just chillaxing...But maybe we get some of the Christmas decor going on the inside of the home. I don't know why but I am just not in the mood to decorate the inside this year. Do you think I am a loser if I take a year off from decor on the inside? We did the entire outside and its lovely! Its all LED lights and beautiful! I know I know....I need to get off my ass and do some of it on the inside as well and just rope it in. I don't want my GAY ID card revoked anyhow...I will decorate....some..... but I wont be doing the tree.
We also have an ornament exchange party tomorrow night as well and its always fun....its a little crazy as the last few years it has been about 60 plus people ( 90% homo)...that's a big exchange! It takes time to do but its fun to mingle and see old friends and then meet new ones.....but the hubby and I have not decided if we are in the mood for it this year......we may just take a pass this year. Will see how we feel when tomorrow night hits.
I guess we also have a chance of snow this weekend. They say not much and most likely a trace to a few inches at the most. It sure is cold enough for it.......I wore some new long johns last night...I just think long johns are so sexy on a man....I wear them like sweats or PJs bottoms and run around the house in them during the winter. I got some new ones last Friday..they are Joe Boxer black and white military printed ones! They were normally 9.99 but on the Black Friday 4 hr sale they were 3.99! I know big spender me...LOL! Maybe I will get the hubby to snap a pic of me in them for you! So what you all doing this weekend?

We also have an ornament exchange party tomorrow night as well and its always fun....its a little crazy as the last few years it has been about 60 plus people ( 90% homo)...that's a big exchange! It takes time to do but its fun to mingle and see old friends and then meet new ones.....but the hubby and I have not decided if we are in the mood for it this year......we may just take a pass this year. Will see how we feel when tomorrow night hits.
I guess we also have a chance of snow this weekend. They say not much and most likely a trace to a few inches at the most. It sure is cold enough for it.......I wore some new long johns last night...I just think long johns are so sexy on a man....I wear them like sweats or PJs bottoms and run around the house in them during the winter. I got some new ones last Friday..they are Joe Boxer black and white military printed ones! They were normally 9.99 but on the Black Friday 4 hr sale they were 3.99! I know big spender me...LOL! Maybe I will get the hubby to snap a pic of me in them for you! So what you all doing this weekend?
Thursday, December 03, 2009
I Miss My Old Claw Foot Tub!
So we have had a nice week weather wise in Seattle! It has been very sunny and dry but a bit chilly! Its been about freezing every night and we have been about 40 as a daytime high......not too bad but its our first chill of the season.....Brrrrr.....but I really don't mind it as I love sunny crisp days and will take it over rain anytime as we had that steady rain-wind and gray for a few weeks and I was ready to cry. So after a chilly day there is nothing like a good hot bath!~ I used to love the old house I lived in as it had a big ass claw foot tub and it was the best for soaking and just chilling in it. It was also big enough where you could have your buddy in there with ya and I did that on many occasion's! You scrub mines and I will scrub yours.....Now we have a tub that is like those normal ones much like the pic above.....its way too small and sadly this boy was not including with it....My next house is going to have a big tub....Or I am going to have to put one in if I get to remodel our bathroom-- which maybe the case as we may never move with this recession. I want to soak with my hubby and then have the option also invite whomever I want to splish splash with as well!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009
World Aids Day 2009
World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have died from HIV/AIDS on this day. I know I have many to remember today...Special shout out to Sean and Dirk in heaven...
This year’s theme for the day is “human rights and access to treatment”. The theme has been chosen to address the critical need to protect human rights and make HIV prevention, treatment, care and support accessible to all.

World AIDS Day, observed December 1 each year, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. It is common to hold memorials to honor persons who have died from HIV/AIDS on this day. I know I have many to remember today...Special shout out to Sean and Dirk in heaven...
This year’s theme for the day is “human rights and access to treatment”. The theme has been chosen to address the critical need to protect human rights and make HIV prevention, treatment, care and support accessible to all.
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