Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Rad Style
March 29th is the day Rad was born....no I am not going to share my age with you...Sorry...well most you know anyhow so shut it.....I will tell you that age is just a number and its all about how you feel and if take care of yourself anyhow..... don't you agree? I am just sometimes surprised on my age as I remember when I would consider people my age as well "old". So I guess I am a troll now!!! Not that I don't or didn't like trolls when I was a young gun as I have ALWAYS been a nice fella to all guys. As my thing was you can always learn from an elder and plus some older guys are hot and pretty much I have just always appreciated all men....Young, old and in between. Its funny though as I really don't feel like an elder and I really feel the same.....Young and vibrant... hip and cool.....ok so maybe not so hip to some 20 somethings if you asked. Do they even use the term troll anymore anyhow?

Anyways...had a nice weekend....Had a blow out cocktail party with friends on Saturday night and did the gay bar pub crawl-- which we haven't done in a long long time...What a night!.....at one point I had about 4 cocktails at my side -- I couldn't keep up on them as I got them sent to me.....so I drank way to much!! I don't recall getting home much...oops! Sunday had plans to spend the day with my parents.....So as I nursed my awful hangover as my dad and hubby made dinner and we just chilled-- You can tell from this pic below I was major hung as I look like I just rolled out of bed and this was about 5 in the afternoon! I think you could smell alcohol on me from 20 feet still....My mom just rolled her eyes and told me she is just happy I don't do that "drinking thing" to often....bless her heart! Ma and pa got me my fave Hawaiian Cake- Guava cake.....man it was so delish! So here is yours truly with my parents....They are the best ever! Look at my mom ...she was so happy!!!


A Lewis said...

From one hip and cool to another even more hipper and cooler.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

The Mistress said...

Happy birthday Rad!

Glad you had a blow out.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Can you FEDEX a piece of the cake. I love cake,cake,cake.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! You don't look old to me, you're still a young hottie ; )

Anonymous said...

happy birfday.

29 paddy virtual paddywhacks heading your way!

Greg said...

Happy Be-lated Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And cheers to a great new year!

robertga99 said...

happy birthday, darlin

Writer said...

Happy belated birthday!

Rick said...

Damn we share the same birthday Rad. Glad you had a good one.

garv said...

Happy belated birthday Rad

DAYUM said...