Monday, March 01, 2010

March 1
Springs right around the corner.....
With the warm weather comes outdoor fun. Today should be in the 60's here which will be a nice day indeed! Maybe a good afternoon to head out to a park to enjoy the .....ahem.... weather and spring floral and fauna :-)

So how was your weekend? We didn't do too much--Saturday was the norm... errands, dinner and drinks. Took a cyber day off yesterday and did not go online ONCE! Hubby took me for a nice Sunday drive since it was a really fantastic day and we went to Wights and Sky Nursery....I loved it and enjoyed getting excited with ideas for spring. Had a nice lunch and then got back home to enjoy the afternoon with the kids on the sectional.. So it is now Monday and I am back at work... I wish I had a rewind button...or a fast forward one....


A Lewis said...

No FF or rewind -- just live for right now, man. Appreciate yesterday for what it was. But I think today can be just as it's own way.
Dig that shot of the fuzzy-legged boys with jeans down around their sneakers. Yummy.
And BIG YEAH for internet for an entire day! I need more than one of those.

Anonymous said...

Cute photos.

Ray's Cowboy said...

Glad you had a nice weekend, and rested up. Rainy day here so no park fun today.

Paul Benjamin said...

60 degrees already? Wow, I just got a tad jealous... :)

Stephen said...

A beautiful weekend in Portland also...
where in Seattle are you?
We lived on Capital Hill 1981-85, in the Pike Place Market 1985-87 & in Wallingford from 1987-2001.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. You sound a lot like me. I'm always looking to rewind or fast forward. Better to just take it as it comes your way. It might not be fun sometimes but Friday is always a few days away! :)

Geoff said...

You deserved a great wknd....and thanks for the delicious photo!

Jose Eduardo said...

ive been following your blog for quite a while through my google reader account, i dont know why but ive never commented so...

first off, that picture is full of awesomeness, yes i said awesomeness lol, as for my weekend, it was the same as always, lots of Rock Band 2, especially with a downloadable song pack from my fav band HIM and...oh god, im nerding out again..god im so lame :P

Writer said...

I so love this photo!